Using the VCF Diagnostic Tool for SDDC Manager
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Using the VCF Diagnostic Tool for SDDC Manager


Article ID: 314610


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


The VCF Diagnostic Tool (VDT) is a diagnostic tool that is run directly on the SDDC Manager. It runs through a series of checks on the system configuration and reports user-friendly PASS/WARN/FAIL results for known configuration issues. It also provides information (INFO) messages from certain areas which we hope will make detecting inconsistencies easier. The goal of these tests is to provide live diagnostic information to the user about their environment which might otherwise be missed.  

The utility is completely read-only for the entire environment. 

The utility logs to the following directory on the SDDC-Manager.


Please send feedback/feature requests to [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: This script is currently in its beta release phase.
As such, it may contain bugs, errors, or incomplete features. Please leverage results with caution.


Using VCF-VDT:

1.Download the latest version of vSphere Diagnostic Tool attached to this KB. 

2.Use the file-moving utility of your choice (WinSCP for example) to copy the entire ZIP directory to the /home/vcf/ partition on the SDDC-Manager on which you wish to run it.

3.SSH into the SDDC-Manager and elevate to root with su.

4.Change your directory to the location of the file, and unpackage the vdt zip file:

  • cd /home/vcf/
  • unzip vdt-<version>.zip
  • cd vdt-<version>

5.Run the tool with the command:

  • python -p sddc_manager

6.You will then be prompted for the [email protected] password.

Note:If you are unable to provide the SSO password the script will only run checks that do not require authentication. 

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