Migrating Windows and Linux EC2 instance to VMware Cloud on AWS using vCenter Converter
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Migrating Windows and Linux EC2 instance to VMware Cloud on AWS using vCenter Converter


Article ID: 313632


Updated On: 07-10-2023


VMware Cloud on AWS


With the release of vCenter Converter 6.4, it is now possible to migrate AWS EC2 instances to VMs on VMware Cloud on AWS SDDCs. This new version is compatible with vSphere 8.0 and introduces the capability to convert AWS EC2-based workloads into VMware VMs running on vSphere.


vCenter Converter 6.4 supports the conversion of workloads based on MS Hyper-V and AWS EC2. It also allows for conversion between different VMware virtual formats such as Workstation and Fusion. Supported virtual workloads include Windows, Linux Ubuntu, CentOS, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.


However, it's important to note that vCenter Converter 6.3 does not support the conversion of EC2 instances on VMware Cloud on AWS.


During the migration process, there are some aspects that vCenter Converter 6.4 does not handle.

These include network security rules, monitoring, and backup reconfiguration for the newly converted VMs. Additionally, it does not cover OS and application licensing for the converted VMs.

Other means of connecting to EC2 instances, like Elastic IP (EIP), are also not addressed.


After migrating an EC2 instance to VMware Cloud on AWS using vCenter Converter, it's essential to update the VM's IP address as vCenter Converter Standalone does not provide L2 network migration. You should also update any infrastructure that points to the new IP, including DNS and associated load balancers.


If the source VM is not stateless, it is recommended to shut down the applications running on the source instance during the migration process to prevent data loss.


To summarize, vCenter Converter 6.4 enables the migration of EC2 instances to VMware Cloud on AWS, but it's important to consider the aspects that it does not cover, such as network security rules, monitoring, backup reconfiguration, licensing, and alternative means of connection. Additionally, updating the IP address and related infrastructure is necessary, and caution should be exercised with stateful source VMs to avoid data loss.


Converting an EC2 ubuntu Linux into VMC fails





Sample Conversion Process for a Linux and Windows EC2 Instance

  1. Using Remote Desktop (RDP) connect to your Windows Converter Server VM
  2. Launch the VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client
  3. Choose “Connect to local server.”
  4. Click on “Convert Machine.”
  5. Choose either “Remote Windows machine” or “Remote Linux machine” (as appropriate).
  • For Windows systems:
  • If the vCenter Converter agent was set up with something other than the default listener (TCP/9089) you must specify the port in the “IP address or name” input field.  For example  If you utilized the default listener port, you may elide the port number (ex:
  • Authentication is username/password only.


  • For Linux systems:
  • If your Linux system is using a non-standard SSH server port (something other than TCP/22 you must specify the port in the “IP address or name” input field.  For example: If you utilized the standard SSH server port, you may elide the port number (ex:
  • Authentication is username/password or username plus private key (with optional passphrase).  Please be mindful of any security implications if you choose to copy your private SSH key for your EC2 instance to this system.
  1. Select VMware Infrastructure Virtual Machine as the destination type.
  2. Enter your SDDC vCenter’s fully qualified domain name (for example: vcenter.sddc-A-B-C-D.vmwarevmc.com), username (ex: cloudadmin@vmc.local), and password.
  • If you are using Connected VPC method, you must select proxy mode.
  • If you are using the SDDC Groups method, do not select proxy mode.
  1. When configuring the destination for your pending converted VM, be mindful to select only resources you have access to (ex: Workload Datastore and Workloads folder) to avoid permission errors.
  2. Review the virtual hardware properties of the pending converted VM to ensure it uses the converted VM network established in an earlier setup. 

Note: the migration process does not shut down the source EC2 VM.


Post conversion:

  1. Validate the converted VM.
  2. Install VMware Tools
  3. Shut down the source EC2 instance and direct any applications to the new VM.




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