Upgrading existing VMs from CBC to XTS in VMware Fusion and Workstation
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Upgrading existing VMs from CBC to XTS in VMware Fusion and Workstation


Article ID: 315626


Updated On:


VMware Desktop Hypervisor


This article is to provide information about Upgrading existing VMs from CBC to XTS in VMware Fusion and Workstation


  1. Previously created Encrypted VMs are encrypted using CBC mode. From upcoming release onwards:
    (a) Newly created Encrypted VMs will be encrypted using XTS mode.
    (b) For Existing encrypted VMs, there will be a Alert/Message shown to upgrade those VMs from CBC to XTS at VM PowerOn.
  2. Take a backup of the older (CBC encryption algorithm) encrypted VM before upgrading to new (XTS encryption algorithm) encryption in the latest Workstation/Fusion version.
  3. If a user has upgraded the older (CBC encryption algorithm) encrypted VM to the new (XTS encryption algorithm) encryption using Fusion 13.5 and if the user tries to open this VM in the previous Fusion versions, it will not open and will show "Incorrect password" even if the user entered the correct password.
  4. If a user has upgraded the older (CBC encryption algorithm) encrypted VM to the new (XTS encryption algorithm) encryption using Workstation 17.5 and if the user tries to open this VM in the previous Fusion versions, it will not open and will show "Incorrect password" even if the user entered the correct password.
  5. If a user has upgraded the older (CBC encryption algorithm) encrypted VM to the new (XTS encryption algorithm) encryption using Workstation 17.5/Fusion 13.5 and if the user tries to open this VM in the previous Workstation/Fusion versions, may see the error "Incorrect password" even if the user entered the correct password or may be able to open VM depending on Workstation version user trying to open it up.
  6. When a VM encrypted using XTS encrypted algorithm with Remember password, is opened on an older Workstation version that supports CBC mode, and again when it is opened in the newer version, the encryption password will be prompted.
  7. While upgrading the encryption type, if the user gets the error "Failed to reencrypt virtual machine, please close the application and try again" :-
    (a) For Fusion, close the active VM window, close Fusion and try again once the Encryption lock symbol is present on the VM in the VM library.
    (b) For Workstation, close the active VM tab, wait for the Encryption lock symbol to be present on the VM in the VM library and try again.
    Note:- This behaviour will be seen when the user unlocks and opens the VM but leaves it idle for some time before powering on
  8. If user comes across this error message while re-encrypting the VM from older Workstation/Fusion builds to XTS-"There was an internal error while trying to upgrade this virtual machine" , this is because of space issue, try clearing up space till the free space in C drive is more than the size of the Virtual Machine and then proceed with re-encryption to XTS.