"Failed to fetch system information"
df -h
systemctl stop vrlcm-server
/opt/vmware/vpostgres/11/bin/psql -U postgres -d vrlcm
select count(*) from vm_rs_request where requestname='lcmgenricsetting';
select count(*) from vm_engine_execution_request where enginestatus='INITIATED';
select count(*) from vm_engine_statemachine_instance where status='CREATED';
select count(*) from vm_engine_event where status='IN_PROGRESS';
delete from vm_engine_scheduledrequest where targetid = 'lemansusagescheduler' or requestdata like '%licenseusagechedules%' or requestdata like '%licenseusageperiodic%';
delete from vm_engine_event where statemachineinstance in ( select vmid from vm_engine_statemachine_instance where sourceoftherequest in (select executionid from vm_rs_request where state='COMPLETED' and executionid is not null));
delete from vm_engine_statemachine_instance where sourceoftherequest in (select executionid from vm_rs_request where state='COMPLETED' and executionid is not null);
delete from vm_engine_execution_request where sourceoftherequest in (select executionid from vm_rs_request where state='COMPLETED' and executionid is not null);
delete from vm_engine_user_request where vmid in (select executionid from vm_rs_request where state='COMPLETED');
delete from vm_engine_event where statemachineinstance in (select vmid from vm_engine_statemachine_instance where sourceoftherequest in (select vmid from vm_engine_user_request where createdon is not null and createdon < extract(epoch from (now() - interval '1 days'))*1000));
delete from vm_engine_statemachine_instance where sourceoftherequest in (select vmid from vm_engine_user_request where createdon is not null and createdon < extract(epoch from (now() - interval '1 days'))*1000);
delete from vm_engine_execution_request where sourceoftherequest in(select vmid from vm_engine_user_request where createdon is not null and createdon < extract(epoch from (now() - interval '1 days'))*1000);
delete from vm_engine_user_request where createdon is not null and createdon < extract(epoch from (now() - interval '1 days'))*1000;
delete from vm_rs_request where requesttype = 'lcmgenricsetting' and createdon is not null and createdon < (extract(epoch from (now())) - 300)*1000 and executionid is not null;
VACUUM FULL verbose analyze vm_engine_event, vm_engine_statemachine_instance, vm_engine_execution_request, vm_engine_user_request, vm_rs_request;
VACUUM FULL verbose analyze;
systemctl start vrlcm-server