Describes the PacketCapture tool and steps to efficiently collect network packets on ESXi.
Please follow the below steps for enabling the PacketCapture:
1. SSH to the VMware ESXi host..
2. Enable PacketCapture in the rhttpproxy config.
Note: Since ESXi 8.0U1 the service configuration is stored in a special config store database and is accessible using configstorecli tool.
To edit the configuration for previous releases, refer to: 52843
Run the command to create a temporary JSON file containing rhttpproxy config options:
/bin/configstorecli config current get -c esx -g services -k rhttpproxy -outfile tmp.json
Run the command to edit the file:
/bin/vi tmp.json
Add the following configuration options to the temporary JSON file:
"packet_capture" : {
"enabled": true,
"validity": 2,
"directory": "/var/run/log",
"max_data_in_pcap_file": 52428800,
"max_pcap_files_count": 5,
"interface_list": [
"id": "lo0",
"name": "lo0",
"max_data_in_pcap_file": 52428800,
"max_pcap_files_count": 5
"id": "vmk0",
"name": "vmk0",
"max_data_in_pcap_file": 52428800,
"max_pcap_files_count": 5
Description of the options in the Packet Capture configuration:
Enabled - Whether the tool is enabled or not.
Validity - On startup delete all pcap and pcap.gz files that were last modified more than X hours ago and are not part of the current process.
Directory - Controls where rolling pcap files are stored. The directory must exist and should be accessible.
Max_data_in_pcap_file - Size (in bytes) of captured data of each pcap file before rolling over to the next.
Storing 50 MB of captured data in a pcap file requires a pcap file of about~67.5 MB, the minimum amount on ESXi is 2.5MB.
Max_pcap_files_count - Number of pcap files to rotate amongst. The minimum number is 2.
Interface_list - Interfaces on which rhttpproxy captures packets. It could overwrite each of the PacketCapture's options configured in the config.
Run the command to apply the file to the Database:
/bin/configstorecli config current set -c esx -g services -k rhttpproxy -infile tmp.json
Run the command to restart rhttpproxy service:
/etc/init.d/rhttpproxy restart
3. You should now see a new .pcap file in the folder /tmp (or if you configured a different destination folder in step 2 by modifying the directory field).
4. When the traffic is sniffed during the network problem, disable the PacketCapture. To disable the PacketCapture:
Run the command to create a temporary JSON file containing rhttpproxy options:
/bin/configstorecli config current get -c esx -g services -k rhttpproxy -outfile tmp.json
Run the command to edit the file:
/bin/vi tmp.json
Edit the enabled field to false:
"packet_capture" : {
"enabled": false
Run the command to apply the file to the Database:
/bin/configstorecli config current set -c esx -g services -k rhttpproxy -infile tmp.json
Run the command to restart rhttpproxy service:
/etc/init.d/rhttpproxy restart
5. Collect the support bundle - Collect the created pcap and pcap.gz files. In case directory was not provided, they are produced by default in /var/run/log.
6. Copy the pcap and pcap.gz files to a system that runs a network analyzer tool, such as Wireshark and examine the packet details.
Note: Before analyzing the ESXi packet details, fix frame size meta data as ESXi packets are truncated by design. To fix frame size, use a third-party tool such as TraceWrangler.
NOTE: In vSphere 8.0U3, Capture of network packets by using the PacketCapture tool on ESXi does not work. This is a known issue. See VMware ESXi 8.0 Update 3 release notes To workaround this use pktcap-uw tool. For more information see Capture and Trace Network Packets by Using the pktcap-uw Utility
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