When vSAN ESA and "Managed Disk" toggle are enabled, all vSAN ESA eligible disks will be claimed to the storage pool automatically. This health check will check if there are any vSAN ESA eligible disks that are not claimed.
Note: Only when "Managed Disk" toggle in the cluster is enabled and a host is added into the cluster will it claim disk(s) automatically. If a user hot-plugs the disk into an ESXi host, the user should claim the disk(s) manually.
The health check will report a yellow warning for any of the following conditions
The health check will report blue info for the following condition
If the health check is not green, it indicates not all vSAN ESA HCL compatible disks are claimed into the storagepool.
It might be because of a disk claim task failure or a disk is a hot-plugged disk. You can attempt to update HCL DB and turn on the managed disk setting in vSAN-Cluster → Configuration → Services → vSAN ESA. If the health check warning is still there, you can try to claim the disk manually via Configure > vSAN > Disk Management.