VMware Skyline Collector v3.1.0.0 does not auto upgrade on its own
Article ID: 319816
Updated On:
The purpose of this article is to describe an identified issue with VMware Skyline Collector version No other versions of VMware Skyline Collector are impacted.
v3.1.0.0 Collectors with Auto-Upgrade enabled will not perform automatic upgrades when a new version of the Collector is released.
The resolution steps outlined in this article are aimed at providing users with a way to proactively address the issue so that when new Collector updates become available, the Auto-Upgrade functionality will perform as expected.
Symptoms: When running VMware Skyline Collector version and Auto-Upgrade is enabled, the Collector is not upgraded when a new version is released.
A new version of VMware Skyline Collector has been released, and existing VMware Skyline Collectors at version are not upgraded automatically.
A bug in one of the Auto-Upgrade scripts in the virtual appliance prevents Skyline Collectors version to perform automatic upgrades, even when such an upgrade is available (and Auto-Upgrade is enabled). This bug affects only VMware Skyline Collector version
To proactively remediate this issue, users can perform the following steps:
1. Login to Skyline Collector VA console via SSH or VC Web Client as root 2. Run the following command once: 3. eval `base64 -d <<< "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"`
After executing the above command, if you see the following messages, an error has occurred:
File SHA does not match target - Indicates the file has been modified or damaged and does not match the expected checksum. Please contact VMware Technical Support for assistance and reference this KB article.
AfterFix:File SHA does not match target -Indicates after the script has been updated, an unexpected result occurred and the checksum does not match the expected result. Please contact VMware Technical Support for assistance and reference this KB article.
Wrong Collector Version - You are running the command on a version of the Collector other than v3.1.0.0 that is not impacted by this issue.
After running the above command, when the next collector release is made available the auto-upgrade process should successfully start and perform upgrades automatically.
At the time of this articles publication, v3.1.0.0 is the most recent release so you should not notice any changes or upgrades immediately. This article will be updated with the next Collector release.
The command provided above is base64 encoded, and we recommend using the above command to copy and paste for execution to prevent mistakes in the command structure.You can decode this command using a base64 evaluator if you wish to inspect the command details being executed prior to execution.
Here is the unencoded version of the command:
if [[ `cat /usr/local/skyline/ccf/config/collector.properties | grep "collector.version" | cut -d "=" -f2` = "" ]]; then if [[ `shasum /usr/local/bin/autoupdate.sh | cut -d " " -f1` = '139cf15ef095c4b9a601f263f0ea13b47f92df63' ]]; then echo "Applying fix"; sed -i -e 's/python/python3/g' -e 's/print /print(/g' -e 's/]"/])"/g' /usr/local/bin/autoupdate.sh; if [[ `shasum /usr/local/bin/autoupdate.sh | cut -d " " -f1` != 'bb4853bebc9cbc0eff441358b685c4cb9dbbdf50' ]]; then echo "After fix: file SHA does not match target"; fi; else echo "File SHA does not match target"; fi; else echo "Wrong collector version."; fi
Additional Information
Please review https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/67788 to enable root SSH access.
Impact/Risks: Any VMware Skyline Collector running version will not perform automatic upgrades. Manual upgrades will complete without incident.
All versions of VMware Skyline Collector before and after version are not impacted by this bug and should auto upgrade as expected.