Unable to re-deploy NSX-ALB from within the NSX-T manager
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Unable to re-deploy NSX-ALB from within the NSX-T manager


Article ID: 335074


Updated On: 10-05-2022


VMware VMware NSX


Assist with NSX-ALB re-deployment through NSX-T UI.

Re-deploying the NSX-ALB controller from the NSX-T manager may fail with the error: NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller configuration failed


VMware NSX-T


- From the syslog on the NSX-T manager, we can see that the configuration for the ALB fails with:
comp="nsx-manager" level="WARNING" subcomp="manager"] [ALB Policy] EXCEPTION DURING CONFIGURATION : com.vmware.nsx.management.common.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException: An object with the same path=[/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/alb-endpoint] is marked for deletion. Either use another path or wait for the purge cycle (max 5 minutes) for permanent removal of the object.


- We need to manually clean up the endpoint in question and then re-attempt the ALB creation.

- The following curl command can be used to clean up the offending endpoint:

curl -k -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u admin -X POST https://localhost/policy/api/v1/troubleshooting/infra/tree/realization?action=cleanup -d '{ "paths" : ["/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/alb-endpoint"]}'

- We can verify that the command worked using the following command:

curl --insecure -u admin -X GET https://localhost/policy/api/v1/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/?include_mark_for_delete_objects=true

- In the output of the above command, we should not be seeing "/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/alb-endpoint " in the path for any entries.

Note: Both the commands are to be run on the NSX-T manager itself. If running from another machine, replace the "localhost" with the NSX-T manager URL/IP appropriately.