How to deploy a VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) Cloud Proxy in AWS
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How to deploy a VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) Cloud Proxy in AWS


Article ID: 331400


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


This article provides steps on deploying a VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) (formerly known as vRealize Operations Cloud) Cloud Proxy in AWS.


  1. Log into your VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) instance and navigate to the Data Sources > Cloud Proxy page, then click New.
  2. In Add Cloud Proxy page, select Target Location as Amazon Web Services, then on step 1, click the button to open the AWS AMI URL.
Note: Sign into your AWS account if prompted.
  1. Click Subscribe on the AWS Marketplace page, then click Continue to Configuration on the next page.
  2. Select the correct Region in the dropdown box where you plan to deploy the Cloud Proxy, then click Continue to Launch.
  3. In the Launch the software page, select Launch through EC2 in the Choose Action dropdown box, then click Launch.
  4. Input a name for the AMI.
  5. Select the Instance Type as per requirement and cloud proxy sizing guidelines:
  • Small cloud proxy – t3.large
  • Standard cloud proxy – t3.2xlarge
  1. (Optional) For SSH access, select or create a new key pair under the Key pair (login) section.
  2. Configure the Network settings section appropriately.
Note: Ensure the select security group contains inbound rules for HTTPS (443).
  1. (Optional) For SSM Management, under the Advanced details section, set the IAM profile to a profile with the sm_readonly_pl and AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore permissions configured.
  2. In the User data section under Advanced details, copy and paste the User Data from step 4 of the Amazon Web Services Target Location section on the Add Cloud Proxy page of VMware Aria Operations (SaaS).
  3. Review and confirm the information before clicking Launch instance.

It will take a few minutes for the Cloud Proxy to display in the Data Sources > Cloud Proxies page of VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) once the VM is deployed and powered up.