"insert or update on table" error encountered when performing the database upgrade for Cloud Director 10.3.1
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"insert or update on table" error encountered when performing the database upgrade for Cloud Director 10.3.1


Article ID: 325509


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • Error "insert or update on table" encountered during the database upgrade
    • insert or update on table "vm_container" violates foreign key constraint "fk_vm_container2org_member"
    • insert or update on table "vapp_vm" violates foreign key constraint "fk_vapp_vm2vm"



VMware Cloud Director 10.x


This issue occurs due to stale information present in tables associated with a foreign key constraint.
For the two tables involved, data will be missing in one table which causes a conflict with said key constraint.


This is a Known Issue affecting Cloud Director 10.3.1.

The two possible errors are resolved in the following Cloud Director releases:

Error 1:
insert or update on table "vm_container" violates foreign key constraint "fk_vm_container2org_member"


This issue is resolved in the release of Cloud Director and later.

Error 2:
insert or update on table "vapp_vm" violates foreign key constraint "fk_vapp_vm2vm"


This issue is resolved in the 10.4 release of Cloud Director and later.

Depending on the error encountered, you will need to run a particular query to identify to stale data.

Error 1:
insert or update on table "vm_container" violates foreign key constraint "fk_vm_container2org_member"

Query 1:
select distinct vm_container.sg_id, name, user_id, org_id from vm_container where 
vm_container.user_id  not in (select org_member.member_id from org_member);

Error 2:
insert or update on table "vapp_vm" violates foreign key constraint "fk_vapp_vm2vm"

Query 2:
select * from vapp_vm where svm_id not in (select id from vm);

Once identified, please open a Support Request for assistance with the update/removal of stale information.