Host Event logs:
01/10/2022, 10:18:48 AM User [email protected] logged in as hbr-agent/7.0.2-17955482
01/10/2022, 10:17:48 AM User [email protected] logged out (login time: Monday, January 10, 2022 10:17:48 AM EST, number of API invocations: 0, user agent: hbr-agent/7.0.2-17955482)
Currently, there is no resolution for this problem.
root@VRMSPR [ / ]# cd /opt/vmware/hms/conf/
root@VRMSPR [ /opt/vmware/hms/conf ]#
Edit hms-configuration.xml using vi and update the following entry from true to false.
<!-- Whether to install hbragent vib automatically when reconnecting to the hosts -->
NOTE: If replication traffic encryption is not used, we can change hms-auto-install-hbragent-vib to false in hms-configuration.xml and restart hms service. Then hms will not push the VIB to ESXi. Setting hms-auto-install-hbragent-vib to false can prevent installing it again. You must also uninstall the VIB or stop the hbr-agent service in the ESXi host.
Restart HMS by running the command : systemctl restart hms
Uninstall vmware-hbr-agent VIB from all the hosts.
[root@ESXi67APR:~] esxcli software vib list | grep -i hbr
vmware-hbr-agent 6.8.6-0.0.13337832 VMware VMwareCertified 2019-07-12
esxcli software vib remove -n vmware-hbr-agent
You can also run a PowerCLI script to uninstall this agent from all the hosts in vCenter but before you run this script, please execute STEP 1 & 2.
CAUTION: You won't able to configure vSphere replication encryption on VMs, if you disable hbr-agent or uninstall the VIB.
For a large infrastructure, please use the PowerCLI script below to uninstall hbr-agent vib from all the hosts in vCenter.
$VC = Read-Host 'Please enter VCenter Server Name'
Connect-VIServer $VC
$VIB = @{"vibname" = "vmware-hbr-agent"}
$Clusters = Get-Cluster
ForEach ($Cluster in $Clusters){
Write-output $Cluster.Name
$hosts = Get-Cluster $Cluster | Get-VMHost
forEach ($vihost in $hosts)
write-host $vihost
$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -vmhost $vihost -V2
$vibexists = $ | Where { $_.Name -like "*hbr-agent*"} | Select @{N="VMHost";E={$ESXCLI.VMHost}}, Name, Version
if ($vibexists -ne $null) {
Write-Output $vibexists
else {Write-Output 'VIB Not Present'}