Tanzu Kuberenetes Grid Management cluster with AVI throws AkoDeploymentConfig error during the cluster creation.
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Tanzu Kuberenetes Grid Management cluster with AVI throws AkoDeploymentConfig error during the cluster creation.


Article ID: 345702


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Tanzu Kubernetes Grid


  • When creating the mgmt cluster with AVI, we can see the below error but cluster creation completes successfully.
error: unable to recognize “/tmp/kubeapply-3046101275": no matches for kind “AKODeploymentConfig” in version “networking.tkg.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1”
: exit status 1, retrying
patch cluster object with operation status: 
“metadata”: {

{ “TKGOperationInfo” : “

{\“Operation\“:\“Create\“,\“OperationStartTimestamp\“:\“2022-01-05 08:00:11.468329342 +0000 UTC\“,\“OperationTimeout\“:1800}
“TKGOperationLastObservedTimestamp” : “2022-01-05 08:00:11.468329342 +0000 UTC”


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 1.x


This is a false alarm and known issue in TKGm 1.4

The problem is because tanzu cli deploys ADC(AKO Deployment config)  definition and ADC object when creating management cluster, but when tanzu cli applies ytt template, it doesn't have a certain order to follow, so when the object got applied first and definition applied last, then it will throw this error. But since the cli will retry, it will finally get everything applied as requested.


This issue is resolved in TKGm 1.5