In 2-Host and 1-1-1 Stretched Cluster SDDCs with i3 Hosts, HCX installations are limited to the following conditions:
With the above limitations, operation of HCX in those environments will be possible, assuming the resource consumption of the user workloads does not exceed available resources. If an SDDC runs out of compute resources and the HCX infrastructure fails due to CPU/MEM contention, it may be necessary to scale up the SDDC to add more hosts or scale down the workload allocation.
In 2-Host and 1-1-1 Stretched Cluster SDDCs with other instance types, the following limits apply:
VMware does not explicitly test or restrict the HCX operational limits with other instance types in these small cluster architectures. Additional network extension and migration concurrency should be planned while considering the additional resources required for those services alongside migrated workloads as those land in the SDDC.
Refer Designlet: VMware Cloud on AWS Management Cluster Planning for more information.