Replacing a vCloud Usage Meter 4.x SSL certificate with a Custom Certificate Authority Signed Certificate
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Replacing a vCloud Usage Meter 4.x SSL certificate with a Custom Certificate Authority Signed Certificate


Article ID: 321899


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


This article explains how to replace a vCloud Usage Meter 4.x SSL certificate with a Custom Certificate Authority (CA) Signed Certificate.


VMware vCloud Usage Meter 4.x


Take a non-memory or powered-off snapshot of your Usage Meter before following the steps below.


  1. SSH to the Usage Meter appliance as usagemeter.
  2. Run the following command to generate CSR and the key. Replace “server ” with the domain name you intend to secure.
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.csr
  1. You will be prompted to provide the details below:
  • Common Name - The FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) you want to secure with the certificate such as www.<FQDN>, *, etc.
  • Organization - The full legal name of your organization, including the corporate identifier.
  • Organization Unit (OU) - Your department, such as ‘Information Technology’ or ‘Website Security.’
  • City or Locality - The locality or city where your organization is legally incorporated. Do not abbreviate.
  • State or Province - The state or province where your organization is legally incorporated. Do not abbreviate.
  • Country - The official two-letter country code (i.e., US, CH) where your organization is legally incorporated.
Note: You are not required to enter a password or passphrase. This optional field is for applying additional security to your key pair.


  1. Generate a certificate on an Internal CA for use with vCloud Usage Meter.
  2. Convert the file from .cer to .crt extension:
openssl x509 -inform PEM -in <HOSTNAME>.cer -out <HOSTNAME>.crt
  1. Copy the .crt and key file to Usage Meter using the WinSCP client.
  2. Install the certificate into the Usage Meter appliance by following the procedure described in this document.