Supported host operating systems for Workstation Pro 16.x, 17.x and Workstation Player 16.x, 17.x
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Supported host operating systems for Workstation Pro 16.x, 17.x and Workstation Player 16.x, 17.x


Article ID: 315653


Updated On:


VMware Desktop Hypervisor


This article lists the supported host operating systems for VMware Workstation Pro 16.x, 17.x, and Workstation Player 16.x, 17.x


VMware Workstation Pro 16.x (Windows)
VMware Workstation Player 16.x (Windows)
VMware Workstation Player 16.x (Linux)
VMware Workstation Pro 16.x (Linux)


This table lists the supported host operating systems for VMware Workstation Pro 16.x, 17.x and Workstation Player 16.x, 17.x
Note: VMware Workstation Pro 12.x and above only supports 64-bit host operating systems.

Note: For versions earlier to 16.x see Supported host operating systems for Workstation Pro 12.x, 14.x, 15.x

OS Vendor OS Release Workstation 16.0 Workstation 16.1.0 Workstation 16.2.x Workstation 17.0 Workstation 17.5
Canonical Ubuntu 22.04 - - Yes Yes Yes
Canonical Ubuntu 20.10 - Yes Yes - -
Canonical Ubuntu 20.04 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Canonical Ubuntu 18.04 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Canonical Ubuntu 16.04 Yes Yes Yes - -
  Linux Mint 21 - - - Yes Yes
  Linux Mint 20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Centos CentOS 7.x Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Debian Debian 12.x - - - - Yes
Debian Debian 11.x - - - Yes Yes
Debian Debian 10.x Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Debian Debian 9.x Yes Yes Yes - -
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 - - - Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows 10 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows 11 - - Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows 8.1 - Update 3 Yes Yes Yes - -
Red Hat Fedora 38 - - - - Yes
Red Hat Fedora 37 - - - - Yes
Red Hat Fedora 36 - - - Yes Yes
Red Hat Fedora 35 - - - Yes Yes
Red Hat Fedora 34 - - - Yes Yes
Red Hat Fedora 33 - Yes Yes - -
Red Hat Fedora 32 Yes Yes Yes - -
Red Hat Fedora 31 Yes Yes Yes - -
Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x - - - Yes Yes
Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3 - Yes Yes Yes Yes
Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SUSE SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP5 - - - - Yes
SUSE SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3 - - - Yes -
SUSE SUSE Linux Enterprise 15.x Yes Yes Yes - -
SUSE SUSE Linux Enterprise Server/Desktop 12 SP5 - - - Yes -
SUSE SUSE Linux Enterprise Server/Desktop 12 SP3 Yes Yes Yes - -
SUSE openSUSE 15.5 - - - - Yes
SUSE openSUSE 15.3 - - - Yes -
SUSE openSUSE 15.x Yes Yes Yes - -