False alert of Edge upgrade failed with error: Unexpected error while upgrading upgrade unit:null
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False alert of Edge upgrade failed with error: Unexpected error while upgrading upgrade unit:null


Article ID: 319086


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VMware NSX


The purpose of this article is to provide awareness of the know issue reported in NSX-T 2.4.x 
This is specific to the steps which are followed where upgrade is done followed by backup/restore >> restart upgrade-coordinator >> check Upgrade UI. 


  • Edge upgrade is completed however reported as NOT_STARTED in UC (and FAILED when "start edge upgrade" is clicked)
  • From UI  Upgrade > Edges Progress state is failed with 'errors: Unexpected error while upgrading upgrade unit:Null']
  • Upgraded version of Edge is shown from CLI however the UI still shows error

/var/log/upgrade-coordinator/upgrade-coordinator.log on Manager node has error:

2020-06-17T07:21:02.658Z ERROR localhost-startStop-1 UpgradeStateHelper - - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" errorCode="MP30083" subcomp="upgrade-coordinator"] Got unexpected exception when querying UpgradeContext: No controller NUB key


VMware NSX-T Data Center


  • This is specific to the steps which are followed where upgrade is done followed by backup/restore >> restart upgrade-coordinator >> check Upgrade UI
  • The problem is due to difference in fresh-install and upgrade manifest files. After backup-restore after MP upgrade, the new MP's manifest does not have "CONTROLLER_NUB_PATH" key, which is required for initializing  upgrade context used by edge sync plan. 


This issue is fixed from NSX-T version 2.5.0 onward.

Additional Information

No impact, no known functional impact due to the error. Only status of Edge upgrade will be shown incorrectly after restore.