Ensure there are valid backups before performing these actions.
- SSH into the vRealize Orchestrator 8.x appliance with the root account
- Change the root password:
- Update the secret:
kubectl -n prelude create secret generic --dry-run=true vco-controlcenter-user-secret --from-literal=users.properties=`awk -F: '$1 == "root" {print "root="$2}' /etc/shadow` -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Note: The additional - at the end is not a typo.
- Delete the Kubernetes pod:
kubectl delete pod `kubectl get pods -n prelude |grep vco-app|awk '{print $1}'` -n prelude
Note: Pod deletion does not destroy or remove data within the application. Kubernetes handles this by maintaining a data volume in a differing location than the initialized container.
- Monitor the pod for redeployment / recreation:
kubectl get pods -n prelude --watch
Compare current appliance root password with the secret stored within Control-Center:
- View current root password:
awk -F: '$1 == "root" {print "root="$2}' /etc/shadow
- View content of Control-Center secret:
kubectl get secret vco-controlcenter-user-secret -n prelude -o yaml|grep users.properties:|awk '{print $2}' | base64 --decode
- Current password for Control-Center:
kubectl -n prelude exec -it -c vco-controlcenter-app `kubectl get pods -n prelude |grep vco-app|awk '{print $1}'` -- cat /usr/lib/vco/configuration/conf/users.properties