VIO subnet in the database has network_id=NULL or blank
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VIO subnet in the database has network_id=NULL or blank


Article ID: 321856


Updated On:


VMware VMware Integrated OpenStack


  • 'openstack subnet list' is returning error 'HttpException: Unknown error'
  • one of the subnets in the database has network_id=NULL or blank
  • Cannot list Network providers when a user is logged in as Admin
"Network list cannot be retrieved"
  • Cannot list routers
"External Network "UUID" expected but not found for router "UUID"


VMware Integrated Openstack 7.x
VMware Integrated OpenStack 5.x
VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.x


This is an issue with upstream Openstack here .


This is a known issue affecting VMware Integrated Openstack.

The database is in a corrupted state.  Remove the subnet in question from the database.
  1. Make sure you have a valid, recent backup of the database.  If not then take a backup before proceeding. 
Note: See product documentation for your version.
  1. Log in to MariaDB
osctl exec -ti mariadb-server-0 -- mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/admin_user.cnf
  1. Log into the neutron database:
use neutron;
  1. List the subnets table with NULL network_id:
select * from subnets where network_id is NULL or network_id='';
  1. Delete the entry with the NULL network_id and exit database:
delete from subnets where network_id is NULL or network_id='';

Additional Information

Note: This procedure modifies the database. Ensure to take a backup of the database before proceeding.