ESXi host root password fails to authenticate and cannot authenticate into CLI.
VMware vSphere ESXi 6.X VMware vSphere ESXi 7.X
Host profiles are a feature available for VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus license only. For more information refer to vSphere Host Profiles
Any other method is unsupported or if the host is standalone, then reinstalling the ESXi host is the only supported way to reset a password on ESXi.
In some cases a defective keyboard can cause problems logging into an ESXi host. It is recommended to test with a different physical keyboard if there are difficulties with known login credentials.
The procedure below performs a password reset and will blindly replace the existing root password with a new one. This is not a password recovery mechanism. VMware does not provide tools or methods to recover the original root password of an ESXi host.
Refer to the following KB to change the ESXi host root password if the password is known - Changing ESXi password.
To Reset the ESXi Root Password with Host Profile
Login to the vCenter vSphere Client
Go to Home and then choose Host Profiles from Operations and Policies Section.
Choose > Extract profile from a host.
In the Extract Host Profile menu wizard > Select the host to update the password for.
Name the Host Profile and click Next and then Finish to complete the capture of the host profile template.
The new host profile should appear on the Host Profile Objects Field.
Right Click the new Host Profile or using the Actions menu choose > Edit Settings
In the 'Edit Host Profile' Wizard. Uncheck all boxes.
Then using the search filter search for > root
Highlight and then select the check box for > root
A configurable window will display the root User configuration.
At the Password subsection, choose > Fixed password configuration
Fill in the new password and confirm it before proceeding.
Double check that all other non applicable boxes have no check marks and proceed to Finish.
Once the task completes, highlight the new host profile and from the 'Actions' drop down menu choose > Attach Detach Hosts and Clusters > then Select the host in the wizard.
From the Action Menu, select Check Host Compliance.
From the Action Menu, select Remediate.
Then Check Host Compliance.
Remove the Host Profile from the Host.
At this time the host password should be successfully upgraded.