How to configure NSX Edge Load Balancer to use it with Platform Services Controller 6.5
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How to configure NSX Edge Load Balancer to use it with Platform Services Controller 6.5


Article ID: 319483


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware NSX for vSphere


This article provides information on configuring a NSX Edge Load Balancer for use with VMware Platform Services Controller (PSC) 6.5 High Availability (HA).
Note: This guide assumes that NSX is already installed and correctly configured. Some settings may vary in older or new versions of NSX for vSphere.


VMware NSX for vSphere 6.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.2.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.1.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.3.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.4.x
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.5.x


Deploy a new NSX Edge

  1. Navigate to Networking & Security > NSX Edges.
  2. Click the + icon.
  3. Select Install Type Edge Services Gateway.
  4. Enter the name.
  5. Select Deploy NSX Edge.
  6. Select Enable High Availability.
  7. Click Next.


  1. Enter the username.
  2. Enter the password for the defined username.
  3. Enable or Disable SSH Access.
  4. Set desired logging level.
  5. Click Next.

Configure Deployment

  1. Select the Datacenter location.
  2. Select the Appliance Size.
  3. Click the + icon.

Configure Deployment

  1. Select the Cluster.
  2. Select the Datastore.
  3. Select the ESXi Host.
  4. Select the folder.
  5. Click OK.

Configure Deployment

  1. Click Next.

Configure Interfaces

  1. Click the + icon.
  2. Provide a Name.
  3. Select Type Internal.
  4. Click Select next to Connected to.
  5. Select the VM Network.
  6. Click the + icon and enter the IP Address and Prefix Length for the PSC HA VIP.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Next.

Default Gateway Settings

  1. Enter the default gateway for the PSC HA VIP.
  2. Click Next.

Firewall and HA

  1. Select Configure Firewall default policy.
  2. Change the Set Default Traffic Policy to Accept.
  3. Under Configure HA Parameters, select PSC HA VIP vNIC.
  4. Click Next.

Ready to complete

  1. Review the configuration and click Finish.
    You must see two new NSX Edge virtual machines deployed in the environment.
  2. The new NSX Edge should appear as Deployed.

Enable Edge Load Balancer

  1. Double-Click the deployed Edge.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Load Balancer.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select Enable Load Balancer.
  5. Select Logging and set the required logging level.
  6. Click OK.

Application Profiles

  1. Select Application Profiles.
  2. Click the + icon.
  3. Enter the name.
  4. Select type TCP.
  5. Under Persistence, select Source IP.
  6. Click OK.
    The Application Profile must be displayed in the list of profiles.


  1. Select Pools.
  2. Click the + icon.
  3. Enter the name.
  4. Select the ROUND-ROBIN algorithm.
  5. Select the default_tcp_monitor.
  6. Click the + icon.
  7. Enter the name for the node member.
  8. Enter the IP Address of the First PSC node.
  9. Ensure Port is left blank.
  10. Enter Monitor Port 443.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Add a second member for the Additional PSC node. You must have two members listed.
  13. Click OK.

Virtual Servers

  1. Select Virtual Servers.
  2. Click the + icon.
  3. In the Application Profile, select the psc-ha-profile.
  4. Enter the name.
  5. Enter the PSC HA VIP IP Address.
  6. Select the TCP protocol.
  7. Enter these 443,389,636,2012,2014,2020 port numbers.
  8. In the Default Pool, select the psc-ha-pool.
  9. Click OK. The Virtual Server is displayed in the list.