To disable application level quiescing for snapshots, use one of the following methods:
[Windows and Linux OS] Disable application level quiescing using vSphere Client or ESXi host client:
Power off the virtual machine.
Log in to the vCenter Server using vSphere Client or the ESXi host with the Host Client.
Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit settings.
Click the Options tab.
Navigate to Advanced > General > Configuration Parameters.
Add or modify the row: disk.EnableUUID with the value FALSE.
Click OK to save.
Click OK to exit.
Power the virtual machine back on again.
You may need to unregister/reregister the VM from the vCenter inventory if the issue is still present.
Power off the virtual machine.
Notate the virtual machine's datastore directory path to the .vmx file.
Right-click the virtual machine.
Click Remove from Inventory.
Reregister the virtual machine back to the inventory by navigating to the virtual machine's datastore folder, right-click on the .vmx file, and register
[Windows OS only] Disable VSS application quiescing using the VMware Tools configuration:
Open the file C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Tools\Tools.conf file using a text editor.
If the file does not exist at the location mentioned above, create it.
Add these entries to the file:
vss.disableAppQuiescing = true
Save and close the file.
Restart the VMware Tools Service.
Click Start > Run, type services.msc, and click OK.
Right-click the VMware Tools Service and click Restart.