vSAN/Skyline Health - Limits - Host component
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vSAN/Skyline Health - Limits - Host component


Article ID: 315533


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VMware vSAN


This article explains the Limits - Host component check in vSAN/Skyline Health and provides details about why it might report an error.


VMware vSAN 8.x
VMware vSAN 7.x
VMware vSAN 6.x


Q: What does the Limits – Host component health test do?

This health check verifies that the number of vSAN components on the ESXi host has not exceeded the host components limit.

Q: What does it mean when it is in an error state?

If this check returns a warning or error, it means that the number of vSAN components has reached its ESXi host limit. Once the components per host limit has been reached, the deployment of new virtual machines fails, and rebuild operations cannot be completed.

Once the host component limit has been reached, vSAN cannot place any new objects, and will fail to create vSAN objects, such as VMDK provisioning, if all or a majority of hosts that can satisfy the object provisioning policy have reached the host component limit.

These are the thresholds at which warnings and errors are displayed for this health check:

Green (OK) --> Less than 80%
Yellow (Warning) --> Between 80% - 90%
Red (Danger) --> More than 90%

The maximum component number in a vSAN cluster is limited to 288000
The maximum number of components per vSAN OSA host is 9000.
The maximum number of components per vSAN ESA host is 27000.

Q: How does one troubleshoot and fix the error state?

To troubleshoot this issue, you can add additional hosts with Disk-Group(s) to the cluster.
Reduce the number of components by utilizing storage policies that require less components (e.g. FTM=RAID1 instead of  FTM=RAID5 or StripeWidth=1 instead of  StripeWidth=4), note, this may result in more storage space being required, any policy changes should be done in batches and not be done en-masse to prevent contention/performance issues.
The number of components can be reduced by deleting any data objects that are confirmed to be no longer needed.

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