This is a known issue affecting VMware VIX API 1.12.
Currently, there is no resolution.
To work around this issue:
- In the source virtual machine, manually share the file or folder, such as C:\Test, in the network to upload in the guest operating system. This provides the network location of the file, such as \\SourceComputer\Test.
Other systems in the same network should now be able to access the folder \SourceComputer\Test.
- Using PowerShell, run this Invoke-VMScript cmdlet command to copy the required files:
Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $automationScript -VM $virtualMachine -GuestUser $guestUsername -GuestPassword $guestPassword -ScriptType Powershell
For example:
$automationScript = '\\SourceComputer\test c:\test /s /e'