DMN="$(/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vmafd-cli get-domain-name --server-name localhost)"; DMN_DN="dc=$(echo "$DMN" | sed -e 's/\./\,dc=/g')"; ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost -D "cn=administrator,cn=users,$DMN_DN" -W -b "cn=tenantcredential-1,cn=$DMN,cn=Tenants,cn=IdentityManager,cn=Services,$DMN_DN" userCertificate -o ldif-wrap=no | sed -s -n '11p' | sed 's/userCertificate:: //' | awk '{print "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"$0"\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"}'|openssl x509 -noout -text -in /dev/stdin
Follow the below steps to replace other Certificates after replacing the STS Certificate.
Note: Take a snapshot or a backup of the vCenter before proceeding.
To regenerate the vSphere 6.x certificates using a new self-signed VMware Certificate Authority certificate:
C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\vmcad\certificate-manager
password when prompted.Please configure certool.cfg file with proper values before proceeding to next step.
Press Enter key to skip optional parameters or use Default value.
Enter proper value for 'Country' [Default value : US] :
(Note: Value for Country should be only 2 letters)Enter proper value for 'Name' [Default value : CA] :
(Note: As stated below, this value will be the PNID)Enter proper value for 'Organization' [Default value : VMware] :
Enter proper value for 'OrgUnit' [Default value : VMware Engineering] :
Enter proper value for 'State' [Default value : California] :
Enter proper value for 'Locality' [Default value : Palo Alto] :
Enter proper value for 'IPAddress' [optional] :
Enter proper value for 'Email' [Default value :] :
Enter proper value for 'Hostname' [Enter valid Fully Qualified Domain Name(FQDN), For Example :] :
Enter proper value for VMCA 'Name':
(Note: This information will be requested from vCenter Server 6.0 U3, 6.5 and later builds, you may use the FQDN/PNID of vCenter Server for this field. It will be used as a Common Name for the VMCA Root Certificate)You are going to regenerate Root Certificate and all other certificates using VMCA
Continue operation : Option[Y/N] ? : Y
/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vmafd-cli get-pnid --server-name localhost
' (this is a not recommended configuration): localhost
' when prompted to add alternate SAN (Subject Alternative Name) names to the certificate. C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\vmafdd\" vmafd-cli.exe get-pnid --server-name localhost
The script is able to replace the following Certificates on vCenter Server: