If you are using vShield Endpoint Protection in your virtual environment, you must reinstall VMware Tools with the custom setup option. Also, ensure to install the vShield drivers
If you are not using vShield Endpoint Protection in your virtual environment but your antivirus installed the vsepflt.sys driver, you must either reinstall your antivirus software choosing not to include the virtual environment drivers or prevent the driver from loading.
To verify that the vsepflt.sys driver is installed and loaded:
To prevent the vsepflt.sys driver from loading during the next boot:
Note: This procedure modifies the Windows registry. Before making any registry modifications, ensure that you have a current and valid backup of the registry and the virtual machine. For more information on backing up and restoring the registry, see the Microsoft Microsoft Knowledge Base article 268986.
Note: The preceding link was correct as of July 7, 2014. If you find the link is broken, provide feedback and a VMware employee will update the link.
Note: If this issue occurs on a View desktop running on ESXi 5.x, perform this work around on the primary image.