Persistent scratch location configuration on NFS using a Cisco Nexus 1000v is empty after a reboot
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Persistent scratch location configuration on NFS using a Cisco Nexus 1000v is empty after a reboot


Article ID: 316406


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VMware vSphere ESXi



When configuring the persistent scratch location on NFS using a Cisco Nexus 1000v, you experience these symptoms:

  • The configuration is written to the /etc/vmware/locker.conf file, but the configuration is not persistent across reboots.
  • Configured persistent scratch locations on NFS are not persistent.
  • Changes to the persistent scratch locations on NFS are lost when the ESXi host is rebooted.
  • While creating the scratch location, you see an entry in the hostd.log file, located at /var/log/, indicating that the configuration is registered:

    2014-06-03T13:14:36.245Z [FFB2BD20 verbose 'Hostsvc.ScratchOptionProvider'] Registered advanced option 'ScratchConfig.ConfiguredScratchLocation'
    2014-03-03T13:14:36.245Z [FFB2BD20 verbose 'Hostsvc.ScratchOptionProvider'] Registered advanced option 'ScratchConfig.CurrentScratchLocation'



VMware ESXi 5.0.x


This issue occurs because the Cisco N1v VEM (Virtual Ethernet Module) is loaded via after the initialization of the scratch configuration during jumpstart.
  • On the ESXi host console, you see entries similar to:

    2014-04-01T10:18:50Z jumpstart: current bootstate: BOOT_STATE_VALID
    2014-04-01T10:18:50Z jumpstart: mount point '/vmfs/volumes/UUID/.locker-esxi' not restored, waiting 2 seconds
    2014-04-01T10:18:52Z jumpstart: mount point '/vmfs/volumes/49da4bf0-b8c87bb8/.locker-dcpesx00000225' not restored, waiting 4 seconds
    2014-04-01T10:18:56Z jumpstart: mount point '/vmfs/volumes/49da4bf0-b8c87bb8/.locker-dcpesx00000225' not restored, waiting 8 seconds
    2014-04-01T10:19:04Z jumpstart: mount point '/vmfs/volumes/49da4bf0-b8c87bb8/.locker-dcpesx00000225' not restored, waiting 16 seconds
    2014-04-01T10:19:20Z jumpstart: mount point '/vmfs/volumes/49da4bf0-b8c87bb8/.locker-dcpesx00000225' not restored, waiting 32 seconds
    2014-04-01T10:19:52Z jumpstart: mount point '/vmfs/volumes/49da4bf0-b8c87bb8/.locker-dcpesx00000225' not restored, waiting 64 seconds
    2014-04-01T10:20:01Z crond[16943]: crond: USER root pid 17190 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
    2014-04-01T10:20:02Z syslog[17191]: starting hostd probing.
    2014-04-01T10:20:17Z syslog[17191]: hostd probing is done.
    2014-04-01T10:20:56Z jumpstart: mount point '/vmfs/volumes/UUID/.locker-esxi ' not restored before timeout, givingup

  • The third-party Nexus 1000v n1k-vem vDS module required to mount the NFS volume is only loaded later:

    2014-04-01T10:21:10Z root: init Running n1k-vem start
  • The NFS volumes are restored after the jumpstart, later in the boot process:

    2014-04-01T10:21:21.074Z cpu6:17187)NFS: 331: Restored connection to the server <IP>/64 mount point /vol/datastorename/folder, mounted as 49da4bf0-b8c87bb8-0000-000000000000 ("volume-name")


This is an expected behaviour. As the third-party vDS module is loaded after the initial jumpstart, there is no way to bypass this issue.
To use the persistent scratch location on a network store, use either the Virtual Standard Switch (vSS) or a standard VMware Virtual Distributed Switch (vDS) in your configuration.

Additional Information

For related information about persistent scratch location for ESXi 4.x and 5.x, see Creating a persistent scratch location for ESXi 4.x and 5.x (1033696).

Creating a persistent scratch location for ESXi 4.x/5.x/6.x
ESXi ホストを再起動すると、スクラッチロケーションの設定が空になる
使用 Cisco Nexus 1000v 的 NFS 上的持久暂存位置配置在重新引导后为空