This issue is resolved in ESXi 5.1 Express Patch 5. For more information, see
VMware ESXi 5.1, Patch Release ESXi510-201406001 (2077640).
Note: This workaround may need to be applied to virtual machines that were created prior to the patch.
To workaround this issue if you are already affected, delete the value in the
tools.deployPkg.fileName line from the virtual machine configuration file after the initial customization has completed.
To delete the value in the
tools.deployPkg.fileName line from the virtual machine configuration file, use one of these options:
From vSphere PowerCLI:
Note: This is the recommended workaround as the virtual machine does not need to be powered down.
- Open vSphere PowerCLI.
- Connect to the vCenter Server or ESXi by running the command:
Connect-VIServer FQDN_or_IP_of_VC_or_ESXi
- Find the virtual machine name by running the command:
Get-VM | select-string Partial_virtual_machine_name
- Using the virtual machine name found in step 3, delete the tools.deployPkg.fileName parameter by running the command:
Note: The two single quotes in this command delete the value.
Get-VM virtual_machine_name | Get-AdvancedSetting -Name tools.deployPkg.fileName | Set-AdvancedSetting -Value '' -Confirm:$false
- Run this command to make changes in each affected virtual machine on vCenter Server that you are connected to:
Get-VM | Get-AdvancedSetting -Name tools.deployPkg.fileName | Set-AdvancedSetting -Value '' -Confirm:$false
- Run this command to make changes in each virtual machine in a given cluster:
Get-cluster -name ClusterName | Get-VM | Get-AdvancedSetting -Name tools.deployPkg.fileName | Set-AdvancedSetting -Value '' -Confirm:$false
- Run this command to make changes on all virtual machines on a certain host:
Get-vmhost -name host.domain.local | Get-VM | Get-AdvancedSetting -Name tools.deployPkg.fileName | Set-AdvancedSetting -Value '' -Confirm:$false
From the vSphere Client running on a Windows virtual machine:
- Power down the virtual machine.
- Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit Settings.
- Click the Options tab > Advanced (General) > Configuration Parameters.
- Locate the tools.deployPkg.fileName parameter, double-click its value and delete it.
- Click OK and OK again to save the change.
- Power on the virtual machine.
From vSphere Web Client:
- Power down the virtual machine.
- Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit Settings.
- Click the Options tab > Advanced (Configuration Parameters) > Edit Configuration.
- Find the tools.deployPkg.fileName parameter, double-click its value and delete it.
- Click OK and OK again to save the change.
- Power on the virtual machine.