Installing vCenter Single Sign-On 5.5 fails if the password for administrator@vsphere.local contains certain special character
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Installing vCenter Single Sign-On 5.5 fails if the password for [email protected] contains certain special character


Article ID: 305879


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Cannot install or upgrade vCenter Single Sign-On (SSO) 5.5.
  • Installing SSO 5.5 fails if the password for the [email protected] user contains an ampersand (&) character.
  • The SSO installation fails and rolls back with no visible errors.
  • The viminst.log file, located at %TEMP%, contains entries similar to:

    Intializing registration provider...
    Getting SSL certificates for https://vCenter_Server_FQDN:7444/lookupservice/sdk
    SOAP fault Invalid credentials
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at com.vmware.vim.sso.client.impl.SoapBindingImpl.sendMessage(


    Cannot authenticate user
    Return code is: InvalidCredentials
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:06 VmSetupUpdateVmdirCert
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:06 VmSetupReadVmdirCert
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:06 LDAP Utils : VmSetupMakeLdapsConnection
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:06 Attempting ldap_sslinit...
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:06 Attempting ldap_connect...
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:06 Attempting ldap_bind_s...
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:06 Unable to make LDAPS connection. Error :1326
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:06 VmSetupUpdateVmdirCert error: 1603
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:06 VmSetupVmdirCert error: 1603
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:06 --- CustomAction execution: VmSetupRollback
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:06 --- CustomAction execution: VmSetupDoUninstallCleanup
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:11 --- VMDirDataPath: c:\ProgramData\VMware\cis\data\vmdird\
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:11 --- Removed VMDirData at: c:\ProgramData\VMware\cis\data\vmdird\
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:16 --- VMCADataPath: C:\ProgramData\\VMware\cis\data\vmca
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:16 --- Removed VMCAData at: C:\ProgramData\\VMware\cis\data\vmca
VMware Single Sign-On-build-1302472: MM/DD/YY 10:10:16 TCServer Base [C:\ProgramData\VMware\cis\runtime]


VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x


This is a known issue affecting vCenter Server 5.5 and occurs when the SSO password includes these special characters:
  • Non-ASCII characters
  • Ampersand (&)
  • Semicolon ( ; )
  • Double quotation mark ( " )
  • Single quotation mark ( ' )
  • Circumflex ( ^ )
  • Backslash ( \ )
  • Space ( )
  • Exclamation mark (!)
  • Percentage (%)


This issue is resolved in vCenter Server 5.5.0a (except for the exclamation mark character), available at VMware Downloads.

For more information about this version, see the VMware vCenter Server 5.5.0a Release Notes.

Note: Using an exclamation character (!) in the SSO password for the [email protected] user when installing SSO is valid. The SSO installation succeeds, but repointing the vSphere Web Client to a different SSO instance fails. For more information, see vSphere 5.5 Single Sign-On [email protected] password issues (2060637).

To work around this issue on vSphere 5.5 GA (Build Number 1312298), do not use these special characters in SSO passwords.

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How to repoint and re-register vCenter Server 5.1 / 5.5 and components
vSphere 5.5 Single Sign-On [email protected] password issues
Troubleshooting special character issues in vCenter Server 5.5
[email protected] のパスワードに特定の特殊文字が含まれていると、vCenter Single Sign-On 5.5 のインストールに失敗する
如果 [email protected] 的密码包含特殊字符,安装 vCenter Single Sign-On 5.5 将失败