Understanding TCP Segmentation Offload (TSO) and Large Receive Offload (LRO) in a VMware environment
Article ID: 318877
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VMware vSphere ESXi
Using TSO and LRO on physical and virtual machine NICs improves the performance of ESX/ESXi hosts by reducing the CPU overhead for TCP/IP network operations. The host uses more CPU cycles to run applications.
If TSO is enabled on the transmission path, the NIC divides larger data chunks into TCP segments. If TSO is disabled, the CPU performs segmentation for TCP/IP.
Note: TSO is referred to as LSO (Large Segment Offload or Large Send Offload) in the latest VMXNET3 driver attributes.
LRO reassembles incoming network packets into larger buffers and transfers the resulting larger but fewer packets to the network stack of the host or virtual machine. The CPU has to process fewer packets than when LRO is disabled, which reduces its utilization for networking.
By default, a host is configured to use hardware TSO if its NICs support the feature.
To toggle hardware TSO on the ESX/ESXi host, use the vSphere Web Client or run a console command on the host:
In the vSphere Web Client, on the Manage tab for the host, click Advanced System Settings and set the Net.UseHwTSO parameter for IPv4 to 1 to enable TSO, or to 0 to disable TSO.
Note: In ESXi 6.x useNet.UseHwTSO6 for IPv6.
In an ESX/ESXi Shell on the host, set the /Net/UseHwTSO advanced parameter to 1 to enable TSO, or to 0 to disable TSO by running a console command:
Enabling hardware LRO for the VMXNET2 and VMXNET3 virtual machine adapters
Hardware LRO is active for VMXNET2 and VMXNET3 virtual machine adapters by default.
Note: Rx checksum offload should be enabled in the virtual machine when using LRO.
In the vSphere Web Client, on the Manage tab for the host, click Advanced System Settings and set the Net.Vmxnet2HwLRO and Net.Vmxnet3HwLRO parameters to 1 to enable hardware LRO, or to 0 to disable hardware LRO.
In an ESX/ESXi Shell on the host, run the esxcfg-advcfg -s (ESX/ESXi 4.x) or esxcli system settings advanced set (ESXi 5.0 and later) command to set the /Net/Vmxnet2HwLRO and /Net/Vmxnet3HwLRO parameters to 1 to enable LRO, or to 0 to disable LRO. For example, to enable hardware LRO for VMXNET3 adapters, run the command:
On ESX/ESXi 4.x hosts: esxcfg-advcfg -s 1 /Net/Vmxnet3HwLRO
On ESXi 5.x and 6.x hosts: esxcli system settings advanced set -o /Net/Vmxnet3HwLRO -i 1
Reboot ESXi host
To enable or disable hardware LRO on the physical NIC for VMXNET2 and VMXNET3 adapters of virtual machines:
Determining if hardware LRO is enabled on the host
To determine if hardware LRO is enabled for VMXNET2 or VMXNET3 adapters, use the esxcfg-advcfg -g (ESX/ESXi 4.x) or esxcli system settings advanced list (ESXi 5.0 and later) command:
In an ESX/ESXi Shell on the host, run the command for the /Net/Vmxnet2HwLRO or /Net/Vmxnet3HwLRO parameters:
On ESX/ESXi 4.x hosts: esxcfg-advcfg -g /Net/Vmxnet2HwLRO esxcfg-advcfg -g /Net/Vmxnet3HwLRO
On ESXi 5.x and 6.x hosts: esxcli system settings advanced list -o /Net/Vmxnet2HwLRO esxcli system settings advanced list -o /Net/Vmxnet3HwLRO
In the command output, verify that the Int Value property is equal to 1.
Enabling software LRO in the VMkernel for VMXNET2 and VMXNET3 adapters
To enable software LRO in the VMkernel for VMXNET2 and VMXNET3 adapters, set these parameters in the vSphere Web Client or in the ESX/ESXi Shell:
In the vSphere Web Client, set the Net.Vmxnet2SwLRO and Net.Vmxnet3SwLRO parameters to 1 to enable LRO, or to 0 to disable LRO.
In an ESX/ESXi Shell on the host, set the /Net/Vmxnet2SwLRO and /Net/Vmxnet3SwLRO parameters to 1 to enable LRO, or to 0 to disable LRO.
Reboot ESXi host
Enabling or disabling LRO for all VMkernel adapters on a host
To enable or disable LRO for the default TCP/IP stack on the host, that is, for VMkernel adapters:
In the vSphere Web Client, on the Manage tab for the host, click Advanced System Settings and set Net.TcpipDefLROEnabled to 1 to enable LRO or to 0 to disable it.
In an ESX/ESXi Shell on the host, set the /Net/TcipDefLROEnabled to 1 to enable LRO or to 0 to disable it. For example, to disable LRO for the TCP/IP stack on the host:
On ESX/ESXi 4.x hosts: esxcfg-advcfg -s 0 /Net/TcpipDefLROEnabled
On ESXi 5.x and 6.x hosts: esxcli system settings advanced set -o /Net/TcpipDefLROEnabled -i 0
Reboot ESXi host
Determining if LRO is enabled for the VMkernel adapters on the host
To determine if LRO is enabled for all VMkernel adapters on the host, use the esxcfg-advcfg -g (ESX/ESXi 4.x) or esxcli system settings advanced list (ESXi 5.0 and later) command:
On ESX/ESXi 4.x hosts: esxcfg-advcfg -g /Net/TcpipDefLROEnabled
On ESXi 5.x and 6.x hosts: esxcli system settings advanced list -o /Net/TcpipDefLROEnabled
Configuring LRO buffer size
To configure the size of the LRO buffer in bytes, set the Net.VmxnetLROMaxLength parameter in the vSphere Web Client or the /Net/VmxnetLROMaxLength parameter in the esxcli system settings advanced set console command on the host.
Enabling or disabling LRO in a Linux guest operating system
To enable or disable LRO on a virtual machine that runs Linux kernel 2.6.24 and later and uses a VMXNET3 network interface, run this console command in the guest operating system:
Where Y in ethY represents the sequence number of the NIC in the virtual machine.
To enable LRO:
ethtool -K ethY lro on
To disable LRO:
ethtool -K ethY lro off
For a virtual machine that runs an earlier version of the Linux kernel or uses a VMXNET2 network interface, run these console commands to enable or disable LRO:
Note: On Windows, the LRO technology is also referred to as Receive Side Coalescing (RSC).
Segmentation and aggregation
Situation 1: Virtual machine communicating with a virtual machine on another hosts
Location of TCP packet segmentation:
Tx TSO Status
TCP Packet Segmentation Location
Transmitting physical NIC
Guest operating system
If the physical NIC supports TSO and TSO is enabled, the NIC performs segmentation of application packets to TSO size. If the physical NIC does not support TSO, the VMkernel segments the application packets.
If TSO is disabled, the guest operating system of the transmitting virtual machine segments application data into packets with MTU size.
Location of TCP packet aggregation:
Rx LRO Status
TCP Packet Aggregation Location
Receiving physical NIC if it supports LRO Receiving virtual machine NIC backend if the physical NIC does not support LRO
TCP packets are not aggregation
If the physical NIC on the receiving side supports hardware LRO, the NIC aggregates the arriving packets. If the NIC is not capable of LRO, the virtual machine NIC performs software aggregation.
If LRO is disabled for the receiving virtual machine, but hardware LRO is active for the network adapter type (VMXNET2 or VMXNET3), the receiving physical NIC aggregates the packets. The VMkernel on the receiving side then segments the aggregated packets into smaller chunks with TSO size, and forwards the chunks to the target virtual machine.
Situation 2: Virtual machine communicating with a virtual machine on the same host and virtual switch
Note: TSO/LRO processing for traffic between two virtual machines on the same virtual switch is done by the VMkernel. Because the traffic never leaves the hypervisor kernel, and because hypervisor networking is very efficient, performance does not suffer over physical TSO/LRO.
Location of TCP packet segmentation:
Tx TSO Status
TCP Segmentation Location
Transmitting virtual machine NIC sends TSO size packets
Guest operating system
If TSO is enabled for the transmitting virtual machine, the virtual machine NIC segments application data to packets that have TSO size.
If TSO is disabled for the transmitting virtual machine, the guest operating system segments application data to packets that have MTU size.
Location of TCP packet aggregation:
Rx LRO Status
TCP Packet Aggregation Location
Receiving virtual machine NIC
TCP packets are not aggregated
If LRO is enabled for the receiving virtual machine, the virtual machine NIC aggregates application packets up to the configured buffer size, and sends the aggregated packets to the virtual machine.
If LRO is disabled, packets that have MTU size are directly transferred to the target virtual machine. If large packets arrive, the VMkernel segments transferred packets to TSO size and forwards them to the virtual machine.
Additional Information
LRO on Windows is called Receive Segment Coalescing (RSC). It was introduced in Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012. LRO/RSC is supported for the Windows with VMXNET3 driver was supported from version vSphere 6.0 and Virtual Machine hardware version 11.