Resetting an expired password in vCenter Single Sign-On (SSO)
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Resetting an expired password in vCenter Single Sign-On (SSO)


Article ID: 341816


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • vCenter Single Sign-On account (SSO) passwords expire after 365 days, including the password for admin@system-domain.
  • In vSphere 5.1, you see this error on a login attempt with an expired password:

    Web Client: "provided credentials are not valid"

  • In the vsphere_client_virgo.log, you see the error:

    SOAP fault Authentication failed


VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 5.1.x


vCenter Single Sign-On administrator users can change expired passwords for System-Domain users. Request that an administrator resets your password.

If you are a vCenter Single Sign-On administrator user, use the ssopass command-line tool to reset the password.

On the Windows host running vCenter Single Sign-On:
  1. Open an elevated command prompt and run the command:

    SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\jre

    Note: This is the default path of the JRE folder for vCenter Server 5.1. If vCenter Server has been installed in a custom location, change command accordingly.

  2. Navigate to the ssolscli directory

    c:\>cd C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\ssolscli

  3. Run the following command:

    ssopass -d https://FQDN_of_SSO_server:7444/lookupservice/sdk username

  4. Type your current password, even if it is expired.
  5. Type the new password, and then type it again to confirm.

From the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA):
  1. Log in to the vCenter Server Appliance as root.

    Note: The default password is vmware.

  2. Navigate to this directory:


  3. Run this command:

    ./ssopass -d https://FQDN_of_SSO_server:7444/lookupservice/sdk username

  4. Type the current password for the user, even if it is expired.
  5. Type the new password, and then type it again to confirm.
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