Collecting the VMware vSphere Replication logs
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Collecting the VMware vSphere Replication logs


Article ID: 312657


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery


This article provides steps to collect logs from vSphere Replication (VR) and vSphere Replication Management Server (VRMS) using the automated log bundle generator.


To automatically gather a vSphere Replication log bundle using the Virtual Appliance Management Interface

To automatically gather the vSphere Replication logs from the vSphere Replication Management Server (VRMS) using the web UI, you need access to the Virtual Appliance Management Interface (VAMI).
  1. Connect to the VAMI of the vSphere Replication appliance in a web browser using the URL https://vr-appliance-address:5480.
  2. Click Summary, and then click Download Support Bundle to generate a .zip package of the current vSphere Replication logs.
  3. Click Download to download the package.

To automatically gather a vSphere Replication log bundle from the VRMS Server using the command line.

Note: In VMware vSphere Replication 8.4 and above please login using "admin" and run "su -" to change user to root (Root password will be required when prompted)

Start generating the support bundle using this command:


Note: In vSphere Replication 8.x the location is  /opt/vmware/hms/bin/

The completed log bundle is located at: /opt/vmware/hms/support/HSB-hms-<uuid>/bundle.tar.gz

Note: In vSphere Replication 8.5 use: 

/opt/vmware/hms/bin/ to generate VRMS server logs. The output bundle is located at /opt/vmware/hms/support
/opt/vmware/dr/bin/ to generate DR UI logs (H5Logs, DrConfigUi). The output bundle is located at /var/log/vmware/Support.

Connect to the VRMS server appliance using an SFTP client, such as WinSCP, FileZilla and download the log bundle.

Before copying the log file you must change its permission by running the command  sudo chmod 777 filename against the log filename. You won't be able to copy files from the appliance, if you don't. 

Example : sudo chmod 777

Note : By default, the VRMS server logs (hms*.log ) are located at /opt/vmware/hms/logs.

To automatically gather a vSphere Replication log bundle from the VR Add-on Server using the command line

To collect logs from the VR server:
Open the console for the VR Add-on server appliance and log in as admin first and then as root user. 
  1. Start generating the support bundle using this command: /usr/bin/

    The completed log bundle is located in: /tmp/hbrsrv-2011-08-20-14-34-6.tgz
  • Connect to the VR server appliance using an SFTP client, such as WinSCP, FileZilla and download the log bundle.

  • By default, the VR server logs (hbrsrv*.log ) are located at /var/log/vmware.
  • The /var/log/messages file can also be a useful source of information for VR server issues.

Additional Information