vCenter Service status reports red alerts and warnings after the vCenter Server FQDN is changed
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vCenter Service status reports red alerts and warnings after the vCenter Server FQDN is changed


Article ID: 336108


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VMware vCenter Server


  • The actual host name or domain name of the vCenter Server does not match the name that was entered at installation.
  • Under Home > vCenter Service Status, the vCenter Inventory Service, VMware vSphere Profile-driven Storage Service, and VMware Update Manager services show red alerts.
  • After you change the FQDN of vCenter Server, the vCenter Service Status shows red alerts and warnings.


VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x


This issue occurs if the name entered for vCenter Server during the installation was incorrect.


To resolve this issue:

  1. In the vCenter Server Settings, change the vCenter Server name by navigating to Administration > vCenter Server Settings > Runtime Settings.
  2. Refresh the vCenter Server Status by navigating to Home > Administration > vCenter Server Status.
  3. If you see Alerts and Warnings on the vCenter Server Status page, open a command prompt and run ipconfig.

    Note: Make note of the vCenter Server IP address.

  4. Click Administration > vCenter Server Settings > vCenter Runtime Settings, Managed IP Address.
  5. Enter the IP address noted in Step 3 in the vCenter Server Managed IP field and click OK.
  6. Click Administration > vCenter Server Settings > Advanced Settings.
  7. Replace the FQDN with the IP address in the two available fields: VirtualCenter.VimApiUrl and VirtualCenter.VimWebServicesUrl.
  8. In the Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE> VMWARE,Inc.>VMware VirtualCenter>Install.
  9. Right-click Computer_FQDN, click Modify, and set the Value data to the IP address.
To update the configuration information for the inventory service, stop vCenter Server Inventory service:
  1. Click Start > Run, type services.msc, and click OK.
  2. Locate the vCenter Server Inventory service, right-click the service, and click Stop.
  3. Open a command prompt and change directory to <install path>\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Inventory Service\scripts.
  4. To update the stored configuration information of the vCenter Inventory service, run this command:

    register.bat <vc.fqdn> 443

  5. Restart the vCenter Inventory service.
  6. Restart the vCenter Server service.

Additional Information

vCenter Server の FQDN が変更された後、[vCenter サービス ステータス] に赤色のアラートと警告が表示される
更改 vCenter Server FQDN 后 vCenter 服务状态报告红色警示和警告