vSphere Management Assistant repeats Administrator logged in/logged out events
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vSphere Management Assistant repeats Administrator logged in/logged out events


Article ID: 305605


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • vSphere Management Assistant (vMA) configured with fast-pass and vilogger enabled for vCenter Server 4.1 causes repeated Administrator logged in/logged out events.

  • The events associated with these logins can fill the VPX_EVENTS table in the vCenter Server database. Eventually the database grows to fill all available disk space and the VirtualCenter Server service may fail.

  • The vCenter Server Tasks & Events tab shows repeated entries similar to:

    User [email protected] logged in
    User vmauser logged out
    [email protected] logged in
    User vmauser logged out

  • The logs on the vMA appliance (/var/log/vmware/vma/vilogd.log) contain entries similar to:

    info 'App'] Querying vMA target xx.xx.xx.xx
    verbose 'App'] Using thumbprint ''
    info 'App'] credstore: successfully retrieved credentials from credstore of vi-admin for [email protected]

    info 'App'] Querying vMA target xx.xx.xx.xx
    verbose 'App'] Using thumbprint ''
    info 'App'] credstore: successfully retrieved credentials from credstore of vi-admin for
    [email protected]
    info 'App'] Querying vMA target xx.xx.xx.xx
    verbose 'App'] Using thumbprint ''
    info 'App'] credstore: successfully retrieved credentials from credstore of vi-admin for
    [email protected]


VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x


To work around this issue, disable vilogger for vCenter Server.

To disable vilogger:
  1. Log into the vSphere Management Assistant.
  2. Run this command to disable logging:

    vilogger disable --server vCenter_Server_IP_address
Note: You can continue to use vMA to collect ESX host logs, but collecting vCenter Server logs results in this issue.

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