Internal SD card reader is not detected by Fusion
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Internal SD card reader is not detected by Fusion


Article ID: 302487


Updated On:


VMware Desktop Hypervisor


  • Internal SD card reader cannot connect to a virtual machine
  • Internal SD card reader is not listed in the USB settings in Fusion
  • Internal SD card reader is not detected as a USB device


VMware Fusion Pro 10.x
VMware Fusion 3.x
VMware Fusion 10.x
VMware Fusion 4.x
VMware Fusion 6.x
VMware Fusion 7.x
VMware Fusion Pro 11.x
VMware Fusion Pro 8.x
VMware Fusion 5.x
VMware Fusion 2.x
VMware Fusion 8.x
VMware Fusion 11.x


This issue occurs on Macs with an SDXC (SD extended capacity) card slot and not on Macs with an SD card slot.
This issue occurs because the SDXC card slot included in newer Mac models is connected to the Mac using the PCIe bus and not using the USB bus that the original SD card slot uses. Therefore, the SDXC card slot cannot be connected to a virtual machine as a USB device.

To access the data on an SDXC card from a virtual machine, add the card's mounted volume as a shared folder in the virtual machine settings. For information on setting up a shared folder, see Sharing a virtual machine between users in Mac OS

Additional Information

For more information about the SD and SDXC card slots, see the Apple Knowledge Base article HT3553.