Disabling the VAAI functionality in ESXi
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Disabling the VAAI functionality in ESXi


Article ID: 318224


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VMware vSphere ESXi VMware vSphere ESX 6.x VMware vSphere ESX 7.x VMware vSphere ESX 8.x


This article provides steps to disable the vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI) functionality in ESXi. You may want to disable VAAI if the storage array devices in the environment do not support the hardware acceleration functionality or are not responding correctly to VAAI primitives.

For information on VAAI support in a given storage array or required firmware levels, contact the storage array vendor.



VMware vSphere ESXi 6.7
VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0.x


Disabling VAAI when using Block storage
To disable VAAI in ESXi, you must modify these advanced configuration settings:
  • HardwareAcceleratedMove
  • HardwareAcceleratedInit
  • HardwareAcceleratedLocking

To check the current value of the configuration settings:

Note: Replace OptionName with one of the configuration setting names.

  • Using the PowerCLI:
Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost Hostname -Name OptionName
  • Using SSH/DCUI:
esxcli system settings advanced list --option OptionName

For example:
# esxcli system settings advanced list --option=/VMFS3/HardwareAcceleratedLocking
# esxcli system settings advanced list --option=/DataMover/HardwareAcceleratedMove
# esxcli system settings advanced list --option=/DataMover/HardwareAcceleratedInit

To disable HardwareAcceleratedMove, see Disabling Hardware Accelerated Move (XCOPY) in ESXi.

To disable HardwareAcceleratedInit, see Disabling Hardware Accelerated Init (WRITESAME) in ESXi 

To disable HardwareAcceleratedLocking, see Disabling Hardware Accelerated Move (XCOPY) in ESXi

Note: These steps need to be applied on all ESXi Hosts connected to Storage.
Disabling VAAI when using NAS storage
When disabling NAS VAAI, there are no advanced configuration parameters that can be used. The plugin must be removed using below commands.

Note: The below steps need to be applied on all ESXi Hosts connected to the NAS Storage.
  1. Log into ESXi using SSH/DCUI and execute command:

    # esxcli software vib remove –-vibname=name

    For Example: # esxcli software vib remove –-vibname=NetAppNasPlugin

  2. Verify that the plugin has been removed using command:

    esxcli software vib list
  3. Reboot the ESXi host to take effect.

Additional Information

To revert this configuration and to enable vStorage APIs for Array Integration functionality, change each of these settings from 0 to 1.
For more information see: 

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Note: If you are running a VMware vSAN environment or have ATS-only VMFS volumes, it is important that Hardware Assisted Locking (ATS) is not disabled. Doing so will result in an outage as there will be no locking mechanism available to use.