Default passwords for VMware vCenter Application Discovery Manager console and CLI
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Default passwords for VMware vCenter Application Discovery Manager console and CLI


Article ID: 342518


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


This article provides the default management console and CLI passwords for VMware vCenter Application Discovery Manager (ADM).


VMware vCenter Application Discovery Manager 6.x
VMware vCenter Application Discovery Manager 7.x


The default ADM management console password is 123456 and the CLI password is ChangeMe.
If you have reset the default management console password and have forgotten the new password, see Resetting the VMware vCenter Application Discovery Manager console administrator password back to default (1023380).
If you have reset the default CLI password and have forgotten the new password, you must reset it from the Single User Mode, which requires an appliance or host reboot.

Additional Information

To reset the root password from Single User Mode, see the Forgotten root Password section of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Step By Step Guide.