This alarm may appear in the vCenter vSphere Client:
Non-VI workload detected on the datastore
A warning message similar to one of these may also appear in the vCenter vSphere Client:
An external I/O activity is detected on datastore “datastore”, this is an unsupported configuration. Consult the Resource Management Guide or follow the Ask VMware Link for more information
An external I/O workload is detected on datastore “datastore”
When SIOC detects that datastore response time has exceeded the threshold, it typically throttles the ESXi workloads accessing the datastore to ensure that the workloads with the highest shares get preference for I/O access to the datastore and lower I/O response time. However, such throttling is not appropriate when workloads not managed by SIOC are accessing the same storage media. Throttling in this case would result in the external workload getting more and more bandwidth, while the vSphere workloads get less and less. Therefore, SIOC detects the presence of such external workloads, and as long as they are present while the threshold is being exceeded, SIOC competes with the interfering workload by reducing its usual throttling activity.
SIOC automatically detects when the interference goes away and resumes its normal behavior. In this way, SIOC is able to operate correctly even in the presence of interference. The vCenter Server event is notifying the user that SIOC has noticed and handled the interference from external workloads.
Note: When an external workload is acting to drive the datastore response time above the SIOC threshold, the external workload might cause I/O performance issues for vSphere workloads. In most cases, SIOC can automatically and safely manage this situation. However, there may be an opportunity to improve performance by changing some aspects of your configuration. The next section provides guidance on this.
These unsupported configurations can result in the triggering of the alarms or the Warning message as seen above:
All datastores that share physical storage media must share the same SIOC configuration — all enabled or all disabled. In addition, if you have modified the default congestion threshold setting, all datastores that share storage media must have the same setting.
SIOC-enabled datastores must not be backed up by multiple extents.
If none of the above scenarios apply to your configuration and you have determined that you are running a supported configuration, but are still seeing this event, investigate possible I/O throttling by the storage array.
To disable the Alarm: