Plugins, extensions, and applications experience errors after upgrading to vCenter Server 4.0 from VirtualCenter 2.5.x
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Plugins, extensions, and applications experience errors after upgrading to vCenter Server 4.0 from VirtualCenter 2.5.x


Article ID: 305587


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server



After upgrading to vCenter Server 4.0 from VirtualCenter 2.5, you may experience these symptoms:

  • Plugins, extensions, 3rd party applications, and VMware applications experience errors.
  • When trying to access vCenter Server plugins such as the Hardware Status plugin or the vCenter Service Status plugin, you see the error:

    An error occurred, please try again in another vSphere session.

  • If you click Home > Search in vCenter Server, you see the error:

    Login to the query service failed.

  • If you are using VMware vCenter CapacityIQ, you may see the error:

    The connection between servers has failed.

  • If you are using VMware Consolidated Backup, you may see the following error (even though the virtual machine exists in the VirtualCenter inventory):

    <virtualmachine> does not exist

  • If you are using NetApp Snap Manager, you may see the error:

    Unable to see full list of VMs through the NetApp SM interface.

  • vCenter Server reports the following error, which causes disruption to the View Connection Server, VMware vCenter Update Manager, VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager, and VMware vCenter Converter:

    backtrace SystemException(The specified network name is no longer available)

  • VMware View reports an error similar to:

    com.vmware.vdi.vcsupport.VmException: Unable to automatically reconnect to VC. It is possibly down.

  • The vmware-vum-server-log4cpp.log file contains this entry:
[vciTaskBase, 556] Task execution has failed: Remote server closed connection after 0 response bytes read
  • The vws.log file contains the entry:

    [2010-02-16 13:57:14,686 pool-2-thread-3 INFO 'com.vmware.vim.cimmonitor.service.impl.HostRefresherTask'] Polling health state on x.x.x.x/host-14530
    [2010-02-16 13:57:15,530 Thread-25 ERROR 'com.vmware.vim.feed.collectorimpl.vim.DataCollectorImpl'] Error getting the next change. Retrying
    com.vmware.vim.feed.exception.DatasourceException: chunked stream ended unexpected
    at com.vmware.vim.feed.collectorimpl.vim.ChangeFeedContext.getNextChange(
    at com.vmware.vim.feed.collectorimpl.vim.DataCollectorImpl$

    [2010-02-16 13:57:15,530 Thread-25 INFO 'com.vmware.vim.feed.datafeedimpl.xhive.XhiveDataFeedImpl'] DataFeed XhiveDataFeedImpl: com.vmware.vim.feed.collectorimpl.vim.DataCollectorImpl is being stopped.
    [2010-02-16 13:57:16,202 Thread-25 INFO 'com.vmware.vim.feed.datafeedimpl.xhive.XhiveDataFeedImpl'] DataFeed XhiveDataFeedImpl: com.vmware.vim.feed.collectorimpl.vim.DataCollectorImpl database: VcCache is being started
  • The vCenter Server's vpxd.log file contains the entry:

    [2010-02-16 17:13:39.171 26856 warning 'ProxySvc Req01049'] Writing response from localhost:8085 to client failed with error class Vmacore::SystemException(The specified network name is no longer available. ).

    [2010-02-16 17:13:39.171 28148 error 'App'] [VpxVmomi] Exception while sending result: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.

    [2010-02-16 13:58:43.561 03256 trivia 'PropertyCollector'] ProcessGUReqs End: Session 6509887C-93AC-4933-83FF-1B572D5D524B (1 filter updates, 1 GUReqs)
    [2010-02-16 13:58:43.577 04212 error 'App'] [VpxVmomi] Exception while sending result: Invalid argument
    [2010-02-16 13:58:43.577 04212 verbose 'App'] backtrace[00]
    eip 0x01a1c66d ?AbortProcess@System@Vmacore@@YAXXZbacktrace[01]
    eip 0x01a1d0a7?CreateQuickBacktrace@SystemFactoryImpl@System@Vmacore@@UAEXAAV?$Ref@VBacktrace@System@Vmacore@@@3@@Zbacktrace[02]
    eip 0x0195f300 ??0Throwable@Vmacore@@QAE@ABV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Zbacktrace[03]
    eip 0x01bbb65f ?GetArrayType@TypeImpl@Vmomi@@UAEPAVArrayType@2@XZ backtrace[06] eip?0x01c6f550?FormatObject@Vmomi@@YA?AV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@PAVAny@1@@Z

  • Recompute datastore group operation stops responding and does not complete.
  • Configuring array manger fails to list datastore groups (datastore group list is empty, although all the replicated LUNs can be detected).
  • Create protection group operation times out within the Site Recovery Manager (SRM) plugin with a timeout error.
  • The SRM plugin for Recompute datastore group task fails with this error:

    SRM log contains frequent occurrences of the following:

    [2010-10-08 09:28:24.966 07832 warning 'MainVcPM'] Received exception in WaitForUpdatesFailed: While determining chunk size, truncated HTTP response.
    [2010-10-08 09:28:27.920 05064 warning 'MainVcPM'] Received exception in WaitForUpdatesFailed: Remote server closed connection after 0 response bytes read

  • vCenter Server log contains this entry:

    [2010-10-08 09:28:25.795 02812 error 'App'] [VpxVmomi] Exception while sending result: Invalid argument.


VMware vCenter Server 4.0.x


This issue occurs if there is a failure in the database upgrade process while upgrading from VirtualCenter 2.5.x to vCenter Server 4.0.x.
A successful upgrade populates the VPX_VIRTUAL_SCSICONTROLLER table with all of the virtual machines that use the LSI Logic or BusLogic virtual SCSI adapter. This issue occurs when one or more virtual machines that use the LSI Logic or BusLogic virtual SCSI adapter do not have an entry in the VPX_VIRTUAL_SCSICONTROLLER table.
To identify the virtual machines that do not have an entry in the VPX_VIRTUAL_SCSICONTROLLER table and create an entry for them:
  1. Run the following SQL query in Microsoft SQL Management Studio against the vCenter Server database to find any virtual machines that use the LSI Logic or BusLogic virtual SCSI adapter but do not have an entry in the VPX_VIRTUAL_SCSICONTROLLER table.

    FROM VPX_VM vm, vpx_entity e
    AND ((CONFIG LIKE '%VirtualLsiLogicController%')
    OR (CONFIG LIKE '%VirtualBusLogicController%'))
    AND =

  2. Shut down any virtual machines returned from this query.
  3. Remove the virtual machine from the vCenter Server inventory.

    Note: Typically, only a few (less than five) virtual machines are returned from this query (even in very large environments of over 1000 virtual machines).

    Warning: Removing a large number of View virtual machines can cause issues with View provisioned desktops. Engage an action plan to provision new desktops after this change. Affected View desktops need to be removed, which results in deleting the desktop.
  4. When they are removed from the inventory, add them back.
  5. Rerun the query in step 1 to confirm that no virtual machines are returned.
  6. Restart the VMware vCenter Server and the VMware Management Webservices service. For more information, see Stopping, starting, or restarting vCenter services (1003895).

    You may need to wait one to two hours before all Tomcat based features of vCenter Server return to a normal state.

Additional Information

从 VirtualCenter 2.5.x 升级到 vCenter Server 4.0 后出现插件、扩展和应用程序体验错误
vCenter Server 2.5.x から vCenter Server 4.0 へのアップグレード後にプラグイン、拡張機能、アプリケーションでエラーが発生する