On occasion, you may have to uninstall and reinstall VMware Tools.
Uninstalling VMware Tools
To uninstall VMware Tools in Windows XP:
- Click Start > Control Panel.
- Open Add/Remove Programs.
- From the list of installed software, select VMware Tools.
- Click Remove.
- When prompted, click Yes to restart Windows.
- After the Window restarts, open My Computer and navigate to C:\Program Files and remove the VMware folder if it exists.
To uninstall VMware Tools in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10:
- Open Control Panel.
- For Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8: Click Start > Control Panel.
- For Windows 10: Click Start > Settings, type Control Panel in the search box on the top.
- Click Programs and Features.
- From the list of installed software, select VMware Tools.
- Click Uninstall.
- When prompted, click Yes to restart Windows.
To uninstall VMware Tools in a Linux guest operating system:
- Open a terminal window.
- Switch to the root user by running the command:
su - root
- Run the VMware Tools uninstaller script:
- Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the uninstall.
- Reboot the virtual machine.
For information on uninstalling VMware Tools on a Mac OS guest, see
Manually uninstalling VMware Tools in a Mac OS guest
Installing VMware Tools
LinuxFor instructions on manually installing VMware Tools in a Linux guest, see:
Installing VMware Tools in a Linux virtual machine using Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)
Installing VMware Tools in a Linux virtual machine using a Compiler
Installing VMware Tools in an Ubuntu virtual machine
Mac OSFor instructions on manually installing VMware Tools in a Mac OS guest, see
Installing VMware Tools in a Mac OS GuestNote: If your issue persists even after uninstalling VMware Tools, see
Cleaning up after an incomplete uninstallation on a Windows host (1308).