Note: If you see the invalid parametererror after resetting Migrate.Enabled to 1, see Performing a vMotion or adding a network card to a virtual machine fails with the error: Necessary module isn't loaded. (2013128)
If these steps do not resolve the issue, try increasing the timeout for migration network operations after Step 4 and then continue with the remaining steps. Also, ensure to repeat these steps on the destination host.
Note: This issue may also occur due to a duplicate IP address on your network. Ensure that the IP addresses for your vCenter Servers and ESX/ESXi hosts are unique.
For more information, see Diagnosing a vMotion failure at 10% or higher in vCenter Server (1003734). Testing VMkernel network connectivity with the vmkping command
Understanding and troubleshooting vMotion
Performing a vMotion or adding a network card to a virtual machine fails with the error: Necessary module isn't loaded
vMotion falla al 10 % con el error: A general system error occurred: Migration failed while copying data, Broken Pipe
vMotion 到 10% 时失败并显示错误:“出现了常规系统错误: 复制数据时迁移失败,管道已损坏”
「一般的なシステム エラーが発生しました:データのコピー中に移行が失敗しました。破損したパイプ」というエラーが発生して vMotion が 10% の時点で失敗する