Enabling the VMware vCenter Update Manager plugin generates errors
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Enabling the VMware vCenter Update Manager plugin generates errors


Article ID: 306756


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Enabling the VMware vCenter Update Manager plugin fails.
  • You receive one or more of these errors:
    • There was an error connecting to vmware vcenter update manager - IP_address_of_vCenter_Server:8084
      Vmacore::Exception: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
    • The request failed because of a connection failure.
  • This issue occurs when you are not using a local SQL Express Database for the VMware Update Manager.
  • This issue occurs when the 32-bit DSN for the VMware Update Manager is configured with Windows Authentication.


VMware vCenter Update Manager 4.0.x



Enabling the VMware vCenter Update Manager plugin can fail if you are using a remote SQL database with Windows authentication and the Update Manager service is set to log on as the local system account.
To resolve this issue:
  • Change the service to login as the same Windows NT account that has been given dbo permissions to the SQL database.
  • Make sure the vci-integrity.xml file has the correct vCenter Server IP address. If the IP address is incorrect, update it and restart the Update Manager service.
To correct the IP address information:
  1. Open the vci-integrity.xml file, located at C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\Update Manager, using a text editor.
  2. Ensure that the file has the correct IP address information of Update Manager server:


    Where IP_address is the IP address of the Update Manager server.

  3. Ensure that the <vpxdLocation> entry has the correct vCenter Server IP address. For example:

    <vpxdLocation> https:// VC_SERVER </vpxdLocation>

  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Restart the VMware Update Manager Service.

Additional Information

For related information, see the ESX and vCenter Server Installation Guide. Erros gerados pela ativação do plug-in vCenter Update Manager do VMware
La activación del complemento de VMware vCenter Update Manager genera errores
启用 VMware vCenter Update Manager 插件时产生错误
VMware vCenter Update Manager プラグインを有効化するとエラーが発生する