Unable to edit the resource limits when creating a job in Apps Manager
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Unable to edit the resource limits when creating a job in Apps Manager


Article ID: 390682


Updated On: 03-12-2025


VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs


Some customer might encounter an issue that they are unable to edit the resource limits when creating a job in Apps Manager. As shown in the following screenshot, Memory Limit, Disk Limit, and Log Rate Limit fields are grayed out and cannot be eidited. 


This issue has been identified as a known issue in some earlier TAS versions and is now being fixed in TAS 4.0.27 / TAS 6.0.7 which contains push-apps-manager-release v677.0.52 (fix scheduler job form to allow editing resource limits correctly).

The customers has an option to either schedule to upgrade their TAS foundation to TAS 4.0.27 / TAS 6.0.7 onwards or use CF CLI as a temporary workaround. 

# A command example:
$ cf create-job my-app my-job "pwd"


--disk LIMIT or -k LIMIT sets the task disk limit.
--memory LIMIT or -m LIMIT sets the task memory limit.
--logs LIMIT or -l LIMIT sets the task log rate limit.