Collect Relevant Background Information
The following details should be included when providing the logs:
- Operating System version/build?
- Physical or virtual machine?
- If virtual, persistent or non-persistent clones?
- What virtualization (Citrix, Horizon, etc) is being used?
- When was the last time the Golden Image was updated?
- When did the issue start?
- Are any Block Events also observed during the boot?
- What is the average boot or logon time with Agent fully operational?
- Temporarily disable the Agent following these steps, and note the time difference:
- Use an administrative command prompt to issue the following commands in an administrative command prompt:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent"
dascli password GlobalPassword
dascli tamperprotect 0
net stop parity
fltmc unload paritydriver
sc config parity start= disabled
sc config paritydriver start= disabled
- Begin a stopwatch, reboot the endpoint and log in. Note the time to completion.
- Fully re-enable the Agent using these commands in an administrative command prompt:
sc config paritydriver start= boot
sc config parity start= auto
fltmc load paritydriver
net start parity
Configure & Capture Agent Logs
When adjusting the Agent configuration using the command line, settings do not persist a reboot. Because of this, the settings must be set from the App Control Console to be sure they persist a reboot.
- Log in to the Console and navigate to Assets > Computers > relevant Computer.
- Important: If this is for troubleshooting issues with Non-persistent Clones be sure the Golden Image is properly chosen.
- In the URL, note the value for host_id (example: https://<ServerAddress>/host-details.php?host_id=74)
- From the Computer Details page > right hand side > Advanced > Set Debug Level:
- Debug Level: High & Include Kernel
- Debug Duration: Permanent
- Click GO
- Navigate to https://<ServerAddress>/agent_config.php > Add Agent Config
- Use the following details:
- Property Name: TMP-Max Roll QTY (or something memorable)
- Host ID: Value from Step 2 (ex: 74)
- Value: max_rolled_trace_logs_to_keep=20
- Status: Enabled
- Click Save & add another Agent Config using the following details:
- Property Name: TMP-Max Roll Size (or something memorable)
- Host ID: Value from Step 2 (ex: 74)
- Value: max_rolling_trace_size_mb=500
- Status: Enabled
- Verify the Agent shows as Connected and Up to Date.
- Important: If Non-persistent Clones
- Reboot the endpoint and log back in
- If Non-persistent Clones, after the Golden Image is updated accordingly start a Clone and log in.
- Use a command prompt to capture the Agent Logs:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent"
dascli capture "%userprofile%\Desktop\"
- Navigate back to Assets > Computers > relevant Computer > right hand side > Advanced > Set Debug Level > None (default).
- Disable the Agent Configs created in Steps 5, 6, and 7.
- Capture a Boot Windows Performance Recorder Trace
- Important: This must be done separately from the Agent Debug Logs
- If troubleshooting boot timings with Non-persistent Clones the Golden Image must be updated with the Debug Logging removed and the WPR Boot Trace accordingly.
- Be sure to zip the resulting WPR Trace before providing to Support.
- Provide the Relevant Background Details (including timing differences) and all captured logs to Support.