Deploy stream failed with "Could not install AppDeployRequest" error.
A Stream in Spring Cloud Dataflow is a collection of independent event-driven streaming application that connect using a messaging middleware. During stream deployment the application jars are retrieve from a repository list defined by:
repo1 - is configured typically points to your private repositor
springRepo - is the default public repository
Tanzu Application Services
Spring Cloud Dataflow for Tanzu
1. Retrieve and review Dataflow logs and Skipper logs.
2. ArtifactNotFoundException error - this due to missing artifact like the example below.
The skipper logs shows that it was not able to retrieve the application bits
Error Message = [Failed to resolve using remote repo(s): [mavenCentral-default (, springSnapshot-default (, springMilestone-default (, repo1 (, spring (]]
Caused by: org.eclipse.aether.transfer.ArtifactNotFoundException: Could not find artifact in mavenCentral-default (
To resolve - verify and confirm that the application exists on one of the repository list. If application does not exist, copy the application to the private repository and test.