While accessing the CA PIM Enterprise Console the below error will appear during the login prompt.
Error server is unavailable, No ManagedConnections available within configured blocking timeout ( 175000 [ms] ); - nested throwable: (javax.resource.ResourceException: No ManagedConnections available within configured blocking timeout ( 175000 [ms] ))
Privileged Identity Manager 12.8,12.9
The error is caused by reaching the maximum number of task connections to the back-end RDBMS database.
1. This can be cleared by a Jboss restart as that will refresh the connections.
2. If you see this error often you can increase the number of connections. In the jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\default\deploy folder edit the imtaskpersistencedb-ds.xml file. Look for the max-pool-size setting. You can increase this in small increments to avoid reaching the max connections condition.