How to delete orphaned service bindings from the autoscaler database
Article ID: 378484
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VMware Tanzu Application Service
This article discuss how you can delete Autoscaler service bindings from the autoscaler database. The steps mentioned here uses the autoscaler service broker API to clean up orphaned service bindings.
You can use the following command to invoke autoscaler API to delete orphaned Autoscaler servervice_bindings:
AUTOSCALE_URL is the URL associated with the autoscale app in the system org / autoscaling space of the foundation where the service binding resides.
SERVICE_INSTANCE_GUID is the GUID for the service instance that the service binding is associated with; the service_instance_guid column in the service_bindings table of the autoscale database.
SERVICE_BINDING_GUID is the GUID for the service binding; the guid column in the service_bindings table of the autoscale database.
AUTH is a base64 encoded string ${BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME}:${BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD} where BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD are env vars present on the autoscale app in the system org / autoscaling space of the foundation where the service binding resides.