Update cluster class to install NFS client on Ubuntu 22.04 and TKGm 2.5.1
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Update cluster class to install NFS client on Ubuntu 22.04 and TKGm 2.5.1


Article ID: 376737


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VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Plus Tanzu Kubernetes Grid VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 1.x VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Management VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Plus 1.x


After upgrade of Ubuntu based classy clusters to 22.04 TKGm 2.5.1 the NFS client is no longer available (installed by default).

Example errors when describing the K8s node:

kubectl describe node $NODE

Type     Reason       Age                    From     Message
  ----     ------       ----                   ----     -------
  Warning  FailedMount  54s (x5138 over 7d5h)  kubelet  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "nfs-subdir-external-provisioner-root" : mount failed: exit status 32
Mounting command: mount
Mounting arguments: -t nfs xxx-yyy-zzz:/feature-internal-calico /var/lib/kubelet/pods/c4e0138c-de9a-4c6f-b396-29333cc9b460/volumes/kubernetes.io~nfs/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner-root
Output: mount: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/c4e0138c-de9a-4c6f-b396-29333cc9b460/volumes/kubernetes.io~nfs/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner-root: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.


  • TKGm 2.5.1
  • TKGm 2.5.x


NFS client  packages were removed on 2.5.1 due to the NFS usage of RPCbind (which is bound on port 111 by default);  it was disabled to comply with the Ubuntu CIS Benchmark C-2.3.6.

TKGm does not support external NFS, and so far, there have been no reports of usage. NFS is only supported in the datastore via CSI.

Installing it back will regress a security issue and is out of the scope.
There are two alternatives to toggle the hardening procedures:

1) Bring Your Own Image, change the variables passed (adding these packages), and export a new template that can be used - this is more complex procedure and is not covered with this article 
2) Create a custom ClusterClass, to install the package before the node joins the cluster (preKubeadmCommand) - Procedure below



TKGm management cluster is created (tested with 2.5)
ytt installed
kubectl installed and set to management cluster context
Tanzu CLI

This process involves creating a custom cluster class that allows for deploying worker nodes in a workload cluster with NFS common utils installed. Creating custom clusterclasses is roughly documented here.

NOTE: In this example, we point to an APT Repository my.repo.com where we know the Ubuntu resources can be found.  You will need to change yours.

  1. In Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.3.0 and later, after you deploy a management cluster, you can find the default ClusterClass manifest in the ~/.config/tanzu/tkg/clusterclassconfigs folder.

    • cp ~/.config/tanzu/tkg/clusterclassconfigs/tkg-vsphere-default-v1.2.0.yaml .

  2. To customize your ClusterClass manifest, you create ytt overlay files alongside the manifest.

    • mkdir overlays
      cd overlays
      Return to top folder after creating the files: cd ..
      Create a file nfscommon.yaml:
      #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
      #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"ClusterClass"})
      apiVersion: cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
      kind: ClusterClass
        name: tkg-vsphere-default-v1.2.0-extended
        #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
        - name: nfsCommon
          required: false
              type: boolean
              default: false
        #@overlay/match expects=1
        - name: nfs
          enabledIf: '{{ .nfsCommon }}'
            - selector:
                apiVersion: bootstrap.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
                kind: KubeadmConfigTemplate
                      - tkg-worker
                - op: add
                  path: /spec/template/spec/preKubeadmCommands/-
                  value: |
                    sudo add-apt-repository -s https://my.repo.com/ubuntu/ jammy main [my.repo.com] -y && \
                    sudo apt update -y && \
                    sudo apt-get install -y libnfsidmap1=1:2.6.1-1ubuntu1 --allow-downgrades --allow-change-held-packages && \
                    sudo apt-get install -y nfs-common --allow-change-held-packages
      Create a file filter.yaml:
      #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
      #@overlay/match by=overlay.not_op(overlay.subset({"kind": "ClusterClass"})),expects="0+"
  3. Use the default ClusterClass manifest from step 1 to generate the base ClusterClass:
    • ytt -f tkg-vsphere-default-v1.2.0.yaml -f overlays/filter.yaml > default_cc.yaml
  4. Generate the custom ClusterClass this command will apply all files from the folder overlays:
    • ytt -f default_cc.yaml -f overlays/ > custom_cc.yaml
  5. Verify and Install the custom clusterClass in the Management cluster you should see in the file generated the new name and the apt-get install commands in it:
    • kubectl apply -f custom_cc.yaml
  6. You should see the following output when you run kubectl get clusterclasses:
    • NAME                                  AGE
      tkg-vsphere-default-v1.2.0            21h
      tkg-vsphere-default-v1.2.0-extended   20h
  7. We have now created an "extended" cluster class that accepts a new variable: nfsCommon


In order to create a new cluster with the custom class follow the below steps where the cluster_overlay.yaml is visible below:

#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")

#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"Cluster"})
apiVersion: cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Cluster
    class: tkg-vsphere-default-v1.2.0-extended
    - name: nfsCommon
      value: true


  1. Copy the config file to your working director There are multiple ways to complete this step and it is mainly for demo purposes:
    • cp ~/.config/tanzu/tkg/clusterconfigs\{config_file}.yaml ./workload-1.yaml
  2. Generate the custom workload cluster manifest
    • tanzu cluster create --file workload-1.yaml --dry-run > default_cluster.yaml
  3. Using the overlay, create the custom manifest:
    • ytt -f default_cluster.yaml -f cluster_overlay.yaml > custom_cluster.yaml
  4. Deploy
    • tanzu cluster create -f custom_cluster.yaml

For existing clusters the procedure is similar where we have to update two fields on existing cluster:

  1. Modify .spec.topology.class - tkg-vsphere-default-v1.2.0-extended
  2. Add Variable nfsCoommon in .spec.topology.variables as seen in the example below
    class: tkg-vsphere-default-v1.2.0-extended
          run.tanzu.vmware.com/resolve-os-image: image-type=ova,os-name=ubuntu
      replicas: 1
    - name: nfsCommon
      value: true
    - name: cni
      value: antrea
    - name: controlPlaneCertificateRotation

The update will trigger immediate update of the worker nodes and will recreate the workers with Nfs-common 

Troubleshooting steps in case the worker nodes are recreated but the NFS client is not installed verify with commands below to confirm if the package was installed successfully

  • journalctl | grep nfs-client
  • journalctl | grep apt-get

Used the below git page as a guide for this KB 


Additional Information

In case of emergencies, you can manually install the NFS packages temporarily on the worker node.

NOTE: In this example, we point to an APT Repository my.repo.com where we know the Ubuntu resources can be found.  You will need to change yours.

sudo add-apt-repository -s https://my.repo.com/ubuntu/ jammy main [my.repo.com] -y
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libnfsidmap1=1:2.6.1-1ubuntu1 --allow-downgrades --allow-change-held-packages
sudo apt-get install -y nfs-common --allow-change-held-packages