This article provides steps to add space in the vIDM root partition. If the partition is full on the node/cluster.
VMware Identity Manager 3.3.x
A large number of increase in disk space usually we see in under the /var/logs, /var/log/message* and /var/log/messages/* folder.
vIDM appliance /root file system is full, for example usage exceeds about 90% and more.
You will see these below errors:
To resolve this issue, in the disk space in the vIDM root partition:
Option1: (To resolve the issue)
cd /var/log/audit
do ls -lh
truncate -s 0 audit.log
from weekly
rotation to daily
rotation and then run command logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
file. The hzniptables
file is present under /etc/cron.d
*/1 * * * * cat /dev/null >/var/log/messages
on each node:analytics.deleteOldData=true
vi /etc/rsyslog.conf
(and remove all the input methods) after confirming that /usr/local/horizon/scripts/enableRSyslog.hzn status shows no syslog present. (Copy backup before edit) ps aux | grep rsyslog
systemctl status rsyslog
systemctl restart rsyslog
Option2: (To investigated disk usage)
cat /etc/logrotate.conf
cat /etc/cron.d/hzniptables
du -ah / 2>/dev/null --exclude=/opt/vmware --exclude=/db | sort -rh | head -n 20
du -ah /var 2>/dev/null | sort -rh | head -n 20
Note: Observe any dip in the Partition Utilization metric or is it still incrementing? You can check the output of above commands for next couple of days more./etc/systemd/journald.conf
for SystemMaxUse
property (by default 100M).du -sh /var/cache/
if normal in MB sizelsof | grep '(deleted)'
view /etc/rsyslog.conf
where the input methods remove instead of cache. Then change it on a single node to monitor if this resolves the issue, Apply the same changes to the other nodes after few /usr/local/horizon/conf/db.pwd
psql -U postgres saas
copy (select * from "CacheEntry") to '/tmp/CacheEntry.csv’ with csv;
du -ah / 2>/dev/null | sort -rh | head -n 100
find ./ -type f -size +100M | less
find ./ -type d -exec sh -c 'echo -n "{}: " && find "{}" -type f | wc -l' \; | awk '$2 > 100' | sort -k2,2nr |less
Notes: The nodes can be higher load due to mis-configuration of the connectors, we can distribute the load across all the nodes and can check improvement in the disk utilization.
There are few things which we can ignore and delete with time. we also can reboot the node so that jvm and other CPU processes will release the temporary files.
Need to reboot the node and apply the KB (HW-134096 - VMware Identity Manager Connector may fail to communicate due to config-state.json corruption ( to restore the configuration files
- /var/logs files can be deleted to free up the space. can delete below following directories: