Finding EOGS dates for Tanzu Products using the PivNet API
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Finding EOGS dates for Tanzu Products using the PivNet API


Article ID: 375972


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Application Service


This KB article goes over the process of checking the EOGS/EOS dates for Tanzu products using the PivNet API.


Prerequisite: We can browse to to get our $API_TOKEN value. Specifically, we need the Legacy API Token as seen in the screenshot below: 

1. Take note of the Legacy API Token, and export it: 

export API_TOKEN="yourtokengoeshere"

2. We can curl the PivNet API to get a list of all products and corresponding product slugs and pipe those values into a file called products.json. Note that the $API_TOKEN value is the token we grabbed from the Prerequisite step above. 

curl -L -H "Authorization: Token $API_TOKEN" "" | jq '.products[] | {slug, name}' | tee products.json

3. As an example, say we want to find the product slug for the RabbitMQ for TAS tile. We can grep for the string "rabbitmq" in the products.json file that we generated from step 1. As seen in the image below, we see that the product slug that corresponds to RabbitMQ for TAS is p-rabbitmq. We can take note of this product slug for our command that we will use in step 3. 

cat products.json| grep -i rabbitmq

4. Now that we have our product slug of p-rabbitmq, we can now check to see if our version in question is still under general support. As an example, we want to check if version 2.3.1 is still under general support. To do this, we can run the command below. We plug in the product slug p-rabbitmq in place of the $PRODUCT_SLUG variable / placeholder. Note once more that the $API_TOKEN is the same Legacy API token that we grabbed from the Prerequisite step.

# Example
curl -L -H "Authorization: Token $API_TOKEN" "$PRODUCT_SLUG/releases" | jq -c '.releases[] | {"version": .version, "eos_date": .end_of_support_date, "ga_date": .became_ga_at}'

# Our command for RabbitMQ for TAS
curl -L -H "Authorization: Token $API_TOKEN" "" | jq -c '.releases[] | {"version": .version, "eos_date": .end_of_support_date, "ga_date": .became_ga_at}'


We get the following output, and find that RabbitMQ for TAS version 2.3.1 is supported until June 30th 2025.