Alarm for CNI health status in NSX-T Manager.
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Alarm for CNI health status in NSX-T Manager.


Article ID: 345787


Updated On:


VMware NSX


Title: Alarm for CNI health status
Event ID: cni_health.hyperbus_manager_connection_down
Added in release: 3.0.0
Alarm Description
  • Purpose: Detect and report when the container network infrastructure channel is unhealthy.
  • Impact: Container may not become running as container network cannot be pushed down or configured.


VMware NSX-T Data Center


On the ESXi node where cfgAgent is running:
  • Run 'net-stats -l' to check if Hyperbus port 4094 is missing, restarting nsx-cfgagent with command '/etc/init.d/nsx-cfgagent restart'.
  • Run 'net-dvs -l' to check container host VIF. If container host VIF is blocked, check the connection with Controller to make sure all configurations are sent down.
    For example:
    In the first step, use 'net-stats -l' to find Hyperbus PortNum is: 100663317

    Run 'net-dvs -l' to get PortNum:100663317 info:
    port hb-f5######-####-####-####-#########024:
     com.vmware.common.port.volatile.status = inUse linkUp portID=100663317 propType = RUNTIME
     com.vmware.common.port.block = false , – To check this property to see if host VIF is block or not
  • Run 'ps | grep nsx-cfgagent' to check cfgAgent process. If nsx-cfgagent has stopped, restart nsx-cfgagent with command '/etc/init.d/nsx-cfgagent restart'.